the dream

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Josh came back to the pack house with a dvd. “what ya got there?” I asked then Jax walked in and asked “you got it?” he nodded then he stated “well got one more and were going to need that too.” He shrugged and asked “her house or a different one?”

“Johnny’s.” they nodded and I watched as Jax went to the tv and put in the dvd. He pressed play and I saw it was the three humans It showed cave drawings. As the Savanna girl was saying a stupid made up legend. Then suddenly Vesta was gone. “V!!” Savanna shouted the camera showed a hole in the ground. It was too small for any of us to fit through. “are you alright?” we heard. “yeah there’s more drawings down here.” She replied from her fall. She was tough, most girls would be crying. “catch the camera.” It was still rolling as it dropped and she caught it. I watched as a light shone on the cave wall. it looked like one of our ancient prophecies.

It showed a fire girl and a shifter. I watched as she walked down showing them in love. Then there was no more, before the camera turned off we saw a tunnel they missed. “they went down the tunnel today.” Jax stated. I smirked and asked “and?” he sighed and said “they ran out screaming.” That was never a good sign. I sighed and said “alright anything else you need to fill us in on.” He got up and said “Vesta is my mate.” I stopped wait what? The alpha who hates all humans and uses them has a human mate? Josh started to laugh “great just great every alpha out there is after her because she’s killing rogues yet our alpha is her mate.”

“it’s not funny! She doesn’t feel the pull!” Jax growled. Whoa there are only two things that don’t feel the pull and both are forbidden to be mates… witches and we never knew the other ones because they were believed to be extinct. Was Vesta a witch? I mean she hasn’t acted like a witch she’s just a human right? Oh god if Jax had a mate that was forbidden this was bad. Very, very bad. I watched as Jax got up and walked to his room and said “no one is allowed to hit on her anymore. She is mine.” They all nodded and he was gone. Dam. He was dead serious about this.


That was the freakiest thing I ever saw. I can’t get that picture out of my head. It was so scary. I felt the tears weld up in my eyes. I never wanted to go back to that cave ever again. It was too freaky. Definitely not something you want to see in your life time. I shook my mind of the image. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day until night fall. Then I got a ring from Emily. “hey you ok no one has seen you all day?” she asked I shrugged and said “I’m ok just having a freak out.” She laughed and said “ok well calm down and get your but in gear we have an idea.”

“by we do you mean you and Tay?” she giggled and said “who else?” Tay and Em are like twin sisters even though they look nothing alike they act almost the same. I smiled and said “sure.” I got ready for bed and lay down. As I fell asleep I dreamed about that thing I saw on the wall.

It was freaking me out. It was coming after me racing my way, trying to catch me I ran as fast as I could but it wasn’t fast enough. The thing reached it claw out and as it started to wrap around me I screamed closing my eyes.

Suddenly I was embraced and being held. “I got you.” I looked up seeing a tall man with tan skin he had black hair reaching into his eyes it was long going down his shoulders. His eyes were brown with blue speck in them. I spoke but it was muffled from my hearing I think I said his name. He smiled and then jumped with me in his arms. We soared over the creatures head as it screamed. “use your fire blast him.” he stated I did I shot my fire out and it wrapped around the thing and he ran through the forest. He stopped at a clearing and said “hurry run.” He turned around I watched as his body twisted and soon he was a large black wolf growling at the dark creature. I wanted to run but my feet refused to move. I watched as the wolf man attacked the creature.

Suddenly arms were around me and pulling me away from him. Wolves came out from every corner and tackled him down pulling him back he fought against them and shifted back to a human he reached his hand out and I did the same my fingers barley touched his as he shouted “VATALLI!!!” I screamed out his name but it was no use we were pulled apart far from each other. Soon I was in a room being shouted at by a man I’ve never seen. “you cannot be with him he is a wolf! We do not associate with their kind!” he shouted. “you will marry ConTo.” A younger man stood by the elderly man and smiled at me. He wasn’t nearly as attractive as the wolf man.

I woke in a cold sweat. What was that? where did that come from? I sat on the bed and sighed I looked at the clock seeing it was eight in the morning. I got out of bed and went upstairs to eat. What was with that weird dream?


I sat on my bed panting that was the strangest dream I ever had. I rescued some woman from a demonic looking creature then was pulled away from her by my pack I was told to never see her again then I was to mate a female shifter instead. The strangest thing was she said my name but it wasn’t mine. It was Jarlath.  I wanted to go back to her but I was commanded by my alpha not to. It was so weird. I walked down stairs and got some breakfast with a glass of water. It was so real like another life.

Almost like an ancient memory. I couldn’t figure it out. All I know is after I was told to mate with the shifter female I went into a large cave and walked along it drawing my story of my love. As I finished my part I took some blood of mine and placed it on the wall. I walked out of the cave and turned back saying something about until the end of time… I don’t know. I sat at the counter thinking about the dream.

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