chapter 2

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Cherry took out the disc and opened the DVD player. There was suddenly a thunder rumble heard. Patch shook a little and curled up in a ball. He couldn't help it, thunderstorms and dogs just didn't mix. Cherry took out the DVD remote to start the movie, but once she hit play with the remote, the screen turned black and it took longer for the movie to start, nothing would come up on the screen.

"Come on..." Cherry muttered as she tried to work the movie for them.

"What's going on?" Atticus asked.

"DVD must me scratched..." Cherry growled in annoyance when she checked the disc.

"Should I clean it up?" Patch asked.

"No offense, Patch, but puppy slobber is the last thing I want on a DVD that's not even mine." Cherry told him apologetically. She tried rubbing the disc against her shirt, then popped it back in, but once it was in, the power knocked out and it was pitch dark and for some reason, snow seemed to flood into Cherry's family living room and they were all buried under it. Where did snow come from? It was the middle of August!

"W-W-What's going on?" Patch asked.

Cherry popped her head out from the snow. "How did that happen!?"

Atticus popped his head out too, then saw they were in an icy forest. "Cherry, I don't think we're in your living room anymore..."

Cherry looked around and saw he was right. "But... Where could we possibly be and how?"

Patch popped his head out from the snow. "I think that movie might have sent us here."

Cherry stood up, shaking herself clean, for some reason, she was now in her heavier black jacket and sweatpants. "Well, at least I'm comfortable..." she said, patting down herself as snow fell.

A raccoon who was not hibernating was sniffing around, he had sniffed Cherry, looked up to her and smiled, jumping in her arms. Cherry looked confused a moment, then she realized who this raccoon was in specific.


The raccoon smiled and jumped at her. Atticus and Patch got out of the snow as well. Atticus was wearing warm weather clothes.

Cherry giggled as she held Meeko close. "Where'd you come from, little buddy?"

Patch was wearing a winter jacket to keep himself warm, he needed extra warmth for colder weather, even if he had fur unlike Cherry and Atticus. He then put his ear up as he could hear something the humans couldn't. It sounded like Indian chanting.

"What is it, boy?" Atticus asked the Dalmatian puppy.

"I hear something... But... I can't understand it..." Patch said softly.

Meeko jumped from Cherry's arms and went with a royal pug dog with a blue Elizabethan collar around its neck and they came to an edge to see Indians carrying baskets of berries over their heads.

"Percy?" Cherry was wondering why Radcliffe's dog was with Meeko, she thought they hated each other.

"Wait, Cherry, are we where I think we are?" Atticus asked, recognizing the scenery.

"Seems like it... But how?" Cherry had to wonder.

Meeko jumped into a basket, eating the fruits he rewarded to himself. Percy tried to jump with him, but landed face-flat in the snow. Patch decided to give it a try and got to a cliff and waited for the basket that Meeko was in. Once it came, Patch jumped in, rewarding himself by eating some of the berries. Meeko munched and actually shared with Patch.

Nakoma glanced up at the animals in her basket, then looked over with a smirk as a snowball was thrown to her. She then noticed Cherry and Atticus coming down the snowy slope. "Cherry, is that you...?" she asked in surprise.

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