chapter 4

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"Are you okay, Cherry?" Pocahontas asked.

Cherry gulped as she turned a sickly green color. "Seasickness..."

"Yeah, Cherry isn't that big on traveling across the ocean on boats." Atticus added.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." Pocahontas said, gently patting her face.

A bunch of sailors came to swab the deck, not really wanting to, but they had to.

"I really wish that Patch, Meeko, Percy, and Flit could have come with us." Atticus sighed.

"I'm sorry, Atticus, but we can't..." Pocahontas said softly.

There was a commotion heard on the other side of the ship and a familiar raccoon rushed over. Pocahontas was surprised to see him, but she decided to hold him. Meeko passed Pocahontas and he went to the edge, losing his lunch into the ocean.

"Looks like they got to come on board as well without any of us knowing." Atticus said.

"We're going to get in trouble..." Pocahontas said, but she cuddled with Meeko, actually a little glad to see him.

"We had to come!" Flit squeaked.

Percy came up too, looking a little dazed. "Steady, lad..." he told Patch gently, he sort of acted like a second father to Patch.

"Yes, sir." Patch said, politely.

"I need to lay down a while..." Percy hiccuped, stumbling across deck.

"Is that dog drunk?" Cherry mumbled.

"Percy Radcliffe at your service..." Percy said in a daze before falling on his four legs.

"I think he is." Atticus said.

Pocahontas merely sighed at her animal friends.

"What's all this then?" the captain called, sharply, with his hands on his hips. "Look, kids, I dont' cotton to stowaways, and I'll not have you disruptin' my crew. You all can take this voyage below..."

Uti came behind the captain, glaring at him for threatening Pocahontas and Cherry.

"Or in the brig..." the captain, about to unleash his weapon.

Rolfe stopped him. "A guest to the king is to be treated as such. Am I clear, Captain?"

The captain glanced at him, putting his sword away and just walked off.

"Whew, that could have gotten messy." Patch said.

"Mr. Rolfe, why did you do that?" Cherry asked, now able to call the man by his name.

"Because, like it or not, you and Pocahontas are the envoy and I am honor bound to you," Rolfe explained. "And honor, ladies, is the backbone of our civilization. Thank you..." he then walked off, rather mysteriously.

Pocahontas felt honored by him as she held Meeko and he went off from them with a bow.

"Meeko, are you seasick?" Patch asked the raccoon.

"Not as much as before..." Meeko gently trilled, but stayed in Pocahontas's arms.

"How long until we arrive?" Cherry asked.

"John Rolfe said not for another day, we should be there by tomorrow." Pocahontas replied.

"Cool," Patch said. "Let's just hope that Flit can learn to behave by then."

Pocahontas had a small chuckle.

The boat kept slowly going across the water. Night fell and they spent the night in hammocks on the ship, and when the sun was slowly coming up for morning the next day, seagulls chirped.

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