chapter 6

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Pocahontas and John Rolfe came back through the doors. They explained everything and Pocahontas was willing go through with it. They all had to look their best as they were going to meet with royalty. Mrs. Jenkins and Madame Forte looked for some women's clothes for the girls to borrow while Rolfe would look for something for Atticus to wear. It was hard to find something in Atticus's size, but Rolfe was finally able to find a suit for him that looked like he would look like a prince.

"What color do you prefer, Atticus?" Rolfe asked as he found some clothes that would be Atticus's size.

"Mm.... Red." Atticus said.

Rolfe gave a nod, then gave him a red suit to wear.

"John Rolfe, Atticus!" Pocahontas came in then, wearing frilly pink underclothes.

Rolfe gasped at the sight, a little embarrassed.

"How do I look?" Pocahontas giggled, thinking this was an English outfit.

"Oh... Lovely..." Rolfe covered his eyes. "In your... Underwear..."

Atticus covered Patch's eyes with his left hand while he covered his own eyes with his right hand. "Um, Mrs. Jenkins!" he called out.

The woman came by after a crash and she was alarmed to see Pocahontas dressed like that.

"Oh, my dear!" Mrs. Jenkins came to take Pocahontas away back to the dressing room. "Come along now, let's go finish your dressing..."

"That was embarrassing." Atticus muttered.

"Tell me out it..." Patch shuddered a little.

"Let's get back to business now, gents..." Rolfe said as he looked for more clothes for Atticus.

Pocahontas stared at the clothes she was going to have to wear now.

"For some reason, this is making me think of Prudence and Cinderella when the Prince and Atticus had to go before the preparations for the spring banquet." Cherry murmured to herself.

Mrs. Jenkins began to help them with getting dressed. Pocahontas was playing with a corset, wondering how to wear it. Mrs. Jenkins chuckled, then helped get her and Cherry together so they would look suitable enough to meet royalty.

Meeko and Flit watched of how it all worked. Cherry and Pocahontas grunted with the tightening of the corsets and they were forced into fluffy and pretty dresses to look dressed for royals. Mrs. Jenkins assured them that she believed that the King would be impressed with their new looks. Meeko tried to mimic of what Mrs. Jenkins did to Pocahontas and Cherry while standing on top of a mirror.

Mrs. Jenkins placed golden heels on the girls which were the best shoes she had for them. Madame Forte decided to do their make-up. Mrs. Jenkins lost her glasses again and accidentally used Flit as a perfume bottle.

'What is with this woman?' Flit thought.

Mrs. Jenkins and Madame Forte then did the girls' hair. Meeko, Flit, and Percy flinched at all the possible hairstyles before the final one.

"Well, the styles were, um... Interesting." Meeko said.

"You're kidding, right?" Percy scoffed.

"The styles were horrifying." Flit said.

Rolfe then decided to teach Pocahontas how to dance. Atticus and Cherry joined in.

A little while later, it was about time to go to meet the King and Queen, Flit tried to get Pocahontas to wear her late mother's necklace since it was an important part of her. But since it wasn't jewelry that any of the other people that would be there would like to see, Pocahontas decided to leave it behind. Rolfe smiled as he hooked up a golden necklace around Pocahontas's neck that had a jade at the end of it. Flit sighed as he kept Pocahontas's necklace.

Cherry patted her purple clothes down, she would prefer black or blue, but at least it wasn't pink. "Oh, Pocahontas, that's a nice necklace."

Pocahontas nodded in agreement. "It's beautiful."

"Almost ready," Madame Forte called as Mrs. Jenkins walked in to fetch Pocahontas. "We just need a few more finishing touches and we'll meet King James and his Queen."

'Wow, Atticus kind of looks like a prince with those clothes he's wearing.' Patch thought as he saw his owner in the proper clothes.

Rolfe dressed in golden and red clothes. "Well, I hope this works out for everybody."

"I'm sure it will, Johnny... Don't be such a worry..." Madame Forte chuckled as she tried to get Charles down for a nap.

"Yeah, I'm sure that everything will work out just fine." Atticus said.

Rolfe noticed Uti once he got his hat on and walked over to the Indian bodyguard. "How do we look? Pretty good, eh?" he chuckled sheepishly.

Uti glanced at them.

"Say, I thought you were getting dressed..." Rolfe tried to tease Uti.

Uti gestured to the blue paint on his cheekbones, showing that was his way of presenting himself for the King and Queen.

"I guess that's his way of showing that he's already dressed." Atticus said.

"Well... He's right, he looks great," Rolfe shrugged. "Just don't talk too much tonight and we'll be fine."

Uti glanced at him, then looked behind them as Cherry and Pocahontas were coming down. Pocahontas had a vanilla and golden dress with her hair up and she looked like a completely different person. Cherry wore a glittering and poofy purple gown and had white gloves on with her hair straightened out and she had silver jewelry and not too much make-up to make her look evil or overbearing. Rolfe took off his hat and met the girls at the bottom of the stairs as they would walk down to meet the boys and go to the kingdom.

"Wow, you both look beautiful." Atticus said.

"I agree..." Rolfe gave a nod.

"Yeah, I feel like a giant cupcake..." Cherry mumbled.

Rolfe smiled to Pocahontas and noticed she seemed slightly pale.

"It's called powder..." Pocahontas said, touching her face.

Rolfe smiled, then linked arms with Pocahontas to get them going.

"We're coming too!" Patch called with Meeko, Flit, and Percy, but Mrs. Jenkins shut the door once Rolfe, Pocahontas, Cherry, and Atticus left.

"Aww!" Patch whined.

"I'll put on some tea!" Mrs. Jenkins told the animals.

Madame Forte was carrying her infant son. "I hope the nanny understands I have to stay later with Charles."

"I'm sure she will, dear." Mrs. Jenkins smiled to her best friend.

Patch, Percy, Meeko and Flit were all now at a table, very bored.

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