chapter 10

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Later in the Kingdom, the crowd cheered for everybody. The people were praising John Smith, Cherry, Atticus, and even Patch. Many women were fawning over John Smith as they wanted to speak with him for his journey and of the rumors of his death. Pocahontas watched this, she hoped that John Smith would understand that she was now in love with John Rolfe.

"Should we get John Smith and Pocahontas back together?" Patch asked.

"I don't think so," Cherry said softly to the Dalmatian puppy. "In history, Pocahontas goes with John Rolfe and they have a son named Thomas... We best not interfere with the legend."

"I agree it's for the best." Atticus said.

"Darn..." Patch understood, but was disappointed a little.

John Rolfe came out to look at the view, making Pocahontas smile to him instantly. She decided to talk with him.

"How do you guys feel about being knighted?" Cherry asked Atticus and Patch since the King and Queen decided to reward them while Cherry had already been knighted by Queen Mousetoria after she met The Great Mouse Detective with her other friend.

"We'd love to be knighted!" Atticus and Patch cheered.

"The Queen thought it'd be nice..." Cherry shrugged to them with a smile.

"What does it mean to be knighted?" Patch asked.

"Oh, well, it means having to become a knight." Atticus explained as best he could.

"Sorta..." Cherry said. "Only you'll be given a title like Lord, Lady, or even Dame... Queen Mousetoria knighted me and my friend Katie."

Patch tried to think of who Katie was, he and Atticus hadn't met her yet. "Isn't she the one married to Willy Wonka?"

"That's her," Cherry said with a smile. "Also got triplets on the way. I was the chief bridesmaid at their wedding."

After this, the King and Queen had Atticus and Patch bow respectively before them as the royal members had their scepters.

"I dub thee, Sir Atticus and Lord Patch..." Queen Anne proclaimed, not even bothered with the fact that she was knighting a puppy. "Thank you both so much for your help."

"You're welcome, Your Highness." Atticus said.

"I'm sorry to had been so quick to judge..." King James said gently.

The crowd cheered for Atticus and Patch as they came back out and they were now technically royalty. Flit and Meeko were trying to get Pocahontas and John Rolfe together, but John Smith suddenly came over to them with news.

"Looks like Smith is coming over to them with news." Patch said.

Smith spoke up about how King James gave him a boat as a reward and that he could now travel the world with Pocahontas like the two had always wanted. The animals sighed as they watched Rolfe go off, feeling that Pocahontas could never love him since he had fallen in love with her.

"We walked the same path once..." Pocahontas looked to John Smith, deciding to be honest with him. "I have found where I belong."

Smith took her hands, understanding and respecting her decision. "I hope you will also find happiness."

"May the great spirit always be with you..." Pocahontas said gently to him."

Smith kissed her knuckles before walking off on his own.

"Whew, he's being understandable." Patch said.

Pocahontas's animal friends went to her, allowing her to make her own choice of what she wanted to have happen in her life now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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