chapter 7

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The horse carriage took the humans over to meet with the king and queen. They were almost there and this time, the travel wouldn't last for more than one day. Too bad this was before cars and automobiles were invented.

"That looks like Cinderella's new castle." Cherry pointed out once they looked to the royal estate they were going to visit.

"Yeah, you're right." Atticus said as soon as he saw the royal estate.

Pocahontas and Rolfe joined hands once they got out of the carriage.

"Are you guys ready?" Rolfe asked Cherry and Atticus.

"Ready as we'll ever be..." Cherry said softly.

They all walked up the steps as names were announced to the King and Queen like a grand party. They were all next now.

"John Rolfe and Princess Pocahontas with guests Atticus Fudo and Cherry Butler," the tiny herald announced from a paper, making the crowd gasp. "And Utam... Uttata... Ultimatum.... Old Tomato..."

"Try Uti." Rolfe suggested as they went down the steps.

"Oh, thank you, sir," the herald chuckled. "And Uti... Jacket required, sir..."

"That's not going to be a problem for him." Atticus said.

The crowd couldn't help but stare at Pocahontas when Rolfe walked with her. Pocahontas was quietly reciting greetings once they were coming to the royal couple and their dog in their thrones. Rolfe and Atticus bowed before the King and Queen while Cherry curtsied. Pocahontas just stood there, she was frozen and unsure of what to do. The King looked impatient and unimpressed, but his wife seemed rather polite and happy.

"Welcome to England, Pocahontas, Cherry, and Atticus." Queen Anne greeted warmly.

"Thank you, your grace." Cherry and Atticus thanked her while in their stance.

Pocahontas followed suit.

'Thank goodness that the queen is nice.' Atticus thought.

"What do you think of my Kingdom, hmm?" King James asked, feeling full of himself.

"I think you are a great king to have so many subjects, your majesty, and the loyalty of so many good men." Pocahontas answered with a sincere smile.

"Did you hear that!?" King James smiled down at his dog who seemed to be trying to sleep throughout this and to his lovely wife. "They think I am a great king! Oh, what delightful children!" he then laughed. "Charming! Absolutely charming!"

"Your excellency," Cherry spoke up. "Please stop this armada."

"Yes, please." Atticus added in.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes," King James nodded to them. "But right now, I can't be rude and ignore my guests, can I? No, we shall discuss it later!"

Cherry and Pocahontas sighed.

"For now my dears," King James sat back down with a chuckle. "Enjoy the ball."

The four bowed back to him, then went to go mingle and possibly dance.

"Well, we'll be able to talk to him later on." Atticus said.

Cherry and Pocahontas felt very suffocated and claustrophobic with the people coming over to crowd and see them. Luckily Atticus and Rolfe took them out of the way. Uti looked to the fussing, but he then had a small smile.

"May the dance begin!" a man called, summoning the orchestra to play.

'Sounds like it's time to dance.' Atticus thought.

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