jealous ✨???

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Suddenly, he tightens his grip on my hand and looks into my eyes. He says, "I will." I'm confused and reply, "Ehhh???" He realizes his mistake and says a bit louder, "Sorry, I mean I can play with you. Just a little practice could help. We still have half an hour." His sentence catches my family's attention, and everyone turns to us. We both look apart, but he doesn't let go of my hand.

We stand up from where we were sitting, and I look at him, my savior, with heart eyes.


JINI'S pov:

*Flash back*

He looks between us and notices our interlocked hands. Slowly, he releases my hand, does Dracy hand flex , and gives me a smile before heading off to talk to my brother and then to the practice room.

Unable to control my blushing, I can't help but think about the hand flex he did. Did he mean something by it? Oh God, I overthink everything. But the warm touch of his hand lingers in my palms, and I can't help but giggle at the thought of how we were holding each other's hands.

Turning around, I see my mom looking at me with an expression I can't quite pinpoint. Ignoring it for now, I approach her,

she says, "Come on, my tiger, let's get ready. You can practice with Sanu afterwards."

How does she know I wanted to go to the practice room?

"She's your mom, duhhh," my subconscious voice reminds me. Ugh, sometimes I can be so silly.

With that, we arrive at my assigned room, and I start getting ready with my mom's help. When I'm finished, I look at myself in the mirror .

My mom comes up behind me and exclaims, "My beautiful daughter is ready to set fire on the stage!"

I chuckle at her reaction and look at her, saying,

"Thanks, mom. Love you lots!" We share a tight embrace, and she gives me a peck on the forehead before stepping back.

We exchange smiles, and my mom asks, "Are you excited?" I nod enthusiastically.

we start making our way towards the practice room. As we get closer, I can already hear the piano music of our performance song.

When I enter the room, there he is, playing the piano sheet music of our song. I don't want to disturb him, so I turn to my mom and tell her to leave.

She understands that we need some practice time before the performance, so she gives me a thumbs up and says, "Break a leg!"

I nod my thanks and watch her disappear before closing the door behind her.

Turning my attention back to Sanath, I see him engrossed in playing the chords with his eyes closed. I don't want to distract him, so I quietly take out my treasure - my violin.

As the melodious sound fills the air, I stand tall, my violin resting on my shoulder, supported by my chin. With my left hand on the neck and the bow held firmly in my right hand, I prepare to play. Closing my eyes, I let the melody guide my hand, moving with the rhythm in perfect harmony.

After four minutes of playing, we finish the song together, the music echoing through the room. Slowly, I remove the violin from my shoulder and glance at Sanath, who is looking at me with admiration and pride shining in his eyes.

He smiles and utters, "Divine."

I can't help but smile back, shaking my head modestly as I take steps towards him.

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