Varun's plan??

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" You could use my clothes and sleep in this bed with me please "he asks with hesitation, I smile nodding.

I couldn't sleep in new place soon but him near me feels like home.



I walked into the closest and searched for a comfortable clothes. As I moved inside, I noticed one of my handbags had fallen onto the carpet in the corner. I went to pick it up, checking to confirm it was really mine. Confused, I looked up and opened the closet to find all my clothes and belongings neatly arranged.

'Oh, someone is trying to hide my stuff,' a smile immediately spread across my face. It seemed I wasn't the only one wanting to be close to him; he felt the same way. I worried I might be becoming too clingy, but seeing his efforts to keep me close reassured me it wasn't an issue for him.

I grabbed my clothes and glanced at his cupboard, looking for a hoodie. After completing my night routine, I headed to bed, finding him fully focused on his laptop. I shook my head; work could be so demanding at times. Moving to my side of the bed, he lifted his head, sensing my presence.

"How much longer, Sanu?" I asked as I settled in.

"Another 1 or 2 hours, my love. We have an event next week, and I need to ensure everything is fine and secured. Are you sleepy?" he replied.

Glancing at the time, I realized it was past midnight. "No, I'm not sleepy. I'll read a book. If you need any help, just tell me," I offered. He nodded and continued working.

Reaching for the book I bought earlier, 'Sinners Anonymous #1,' I played my playlist on my phone and began reading. The enemies-to-lovers theme intrigued me. As I reached a scene where he touched Rory's bikini bottoms, claiming her as his and promising to spank her, I blushed. Turning to check my surroundings, I found Sanu closer than I expected, concentrating on the part I was reading.

Heat rushed to my cheeks; I hurriedly closed the book. As he lifted his head, we were inches apart. I leaned to the side, placing the book on the side table, while the song 'Lost in Fire' played in my hearbuds, wasn't helping me a little bit under his gaze.

He pulled me closer; my knees brushed against his bulky thighs. I attempt to move, his strong grip on my waist prevented me. Placing one of my earbuds in his ear, he smirked after listening to the music. Leaning in closer, his breath tickled my ear, sending an electric shock through my body, tensing it under his touch.

"We're going to recreate every streamy scene as you read it to me," he murmured, nibbling on my ear helix causing an involuntary moan to escape my lips. I quickly closed my mouth with my hand.

he leans closer brushing his lips on mine which was parted and i stop breathing there was knock the door but he ignores that.

He kisses slowly and getting heated up he starts sucking on my bottom lip, and I reciprocated until another, louder knock disrupted us. I snapped out of my trance and removed my earbuds.

We heard a maid's panicked voice from the other side of the door, "Sir, it's an emergency."

Sanath heard it too and removed his earbuds, giving me a peck. "Go to sleep, baby. It's late; I'll check what's happening."

"Let me come with you," I offered, trying to assist.

"Yeah, my little tigress, I'll let you come when I'm buried deep inside," he chuckled, leaving me shocked and blushing.

I couldn't speak; my throat felt dry as I buried my face in the pillow. Where was my feminine power when I needed it?

He patted my head, kissed me on head, and gets up to leave, "Go to sleep, baby. I'll take care of everything." I nodded, closing my eyes tightly as he tucked me in before leaving the room.



This better be important; I couldn't control myself. I didn't know they write stuff like that. It was a big turn-on seeing her reading that book with my hoodie on. Damn, I'm still turned on; her parted pink lips and flushed cherry cheeks after I caught her reading the steamy parts, her dreamy eyes were enough to make me on for her. After our make-out session in my office, I couldn't get enough of her.

My smile fades to a neutral expression as I reach downstairs and notice the maid's restlessness, moving about. I settle down on the sofa.

"Stop moving. What's the matter?" I ask, my voice tinged with irritation.

Startled by my voice, she freezes in place. I roll my eyes; bunch of idiots. Ugh, I miss my bubble already.

"Sir, there is someone waiting for you in your office. He said he's from the security center and it's an emergency," she informs me. I instruct her to leave.

Someone entering my house without my permission and sitting in my office... Only that person could do that. Rolling my eyes, I open the office door to meet the person I was expecting: 'Raghav Singha,' my childhood friend, more like a brother, and CEO of Singha Securities.

He smirks as I settle down in my seat. "What the hell are you doing in my home at this hour?"

He just chuckles. "Did I disturb something, Mr. Shetty?" I ignore his question.

"What's it, Raghav? I don't have time for this right now," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Grumpy as ever. How did Ranjini even fall for you?" he remarks, and I ignore him once again.

"So, the person you mentioned, Varun? He's been fooling us around. He somehow accessed our security and tampered with records. He doesn't seem like an ordinary person, Sanath. There's something big he's planning," he informs me.

I knew that Varun wasn't innocent. His plan better not involve my Jini.

"What do you mean by 'planning big'?" I inquire, wanting more details.

"We didn't get full information, but he might be the Tahir families upcoming heir who will take over their company. We didn't get any specific details because that family hasn't made any media apparence for their sons so it might get difficult to get into it," he explains.

I nod, feeling a sense of confusion and dread. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

"Tell Ranjini to be careful, Sanu. He isn't the person she thinks he is,you know about Tahir families history" Raghav says, his tone full of concern. I understand his protective nature toward her; everyone adores her bubbly personality.

I nod in acknowledgment.

"Okay, my work here is done. I've arranged for more security on him. Don't worry; we won't let any danger near her; until she's under our surveillance."he says and gets up to leave.

My body is present, listening to him, but my soul is already protecting her in our room.

He places his hands on my shoulder. "Better not break her heart, or I won't hesitate to take action, Mr. Shetty."

Another beautifully veiled threat from her overprotective second brother; I nod and give him a bro hug.

"Don't be so grumpy around her, Sanath. If I see her unhappy, I'll hurt you without a second thought , though you're my best friend," he says, emphasizing his point.

"You know I'd rather die than hurt her," I reassure him. He smiles and nods before bidding goodbye and leaving. Now, what the heck is Varun planning?

I return to my room to see my tigress peacefully sleeping. She has a two-week holiday coming up due to her finals. I settle on the bed without disturbing her and pull her closer; she instantly wraps herself around me, and I secure my arm protectively around her waist.

I'll protect her with my life. I kiss her forehead, and in her sleep, she responds with a soft hum, bringing a smile to my face.

I drift off to sleep with my angel in my arms.


Hey sweetcakes 💜✨, hope everyone is doing well.

Who's ready to see other side of Sanath and get ready for heart breaks guys.... I'm not gonna spoil 😏

Bye sweetcakes love you all 😘💜✨, don't forget to vote and comment sweetcakes 💜✨

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