loverr ✨

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He spoke with a low but authoritative voice, saying, "Well, I know how to get things done, my tigress." The effect he had on me was undeniable. I felt a rush of heat to my cheeks, goosebumps erupted all over my body, and, oh boy, my stomach was doing summer-salts like a zoo of butterflies.




After that conversation, I didn't glance once towards Sanath, but I could see him often looking at me from the corner of my eye. I was more focused on the discussion about our parents' business trip, and my brother frequently suggested ideas for future meetings. Sanath seemed concentrated, not just on the conversation but also on me. I almost grabbed my brother's champagne instead of my apple juice.

Suddenly, Sanath took the glass, set down the champagne, and replaced it with my apple juice. Then, when I was about to ask for ice cream, he ordered it before me—my favorite black currant flavor. He remembered even the smallest things about me. There were so many feelings; this guy could make me fall in love over and over again, if that were possible.

As our dinner comes to an end, we all bid our goodbyes and goodnights. When we reach the parking lot, Sanath's mom and my mom drag me to the women's washroom. As we enter, I notice we're the only ones there.

"So, we'll all be leaving tomorrow, Ranjini. I know I told you we'd be leaving after a week, but now that you're with Sanath, we can leave early and return early too," my mom speaks.

"Mom, I'm the one who's taking care of Sanath, not him taking care of me. Am i crct, Sheetal ma?" To which Sheetal aunty chuckles and nods her head. My mom laughs and says, "Everyone knows the truth, my tiger. Don't be a kid and trouble Sanath," to which I whine. Aunty interjects and says, "Hey, don't tease my child." I hug aunty, and she pats my head. My mom rolls her eyes and goes to do her business, leaving me and aunty alone.

Aunty speaks up, "Bubble, you are more than welcome in Sanath's house. We have no problem with that." I nod and smile, "Did Sanath say this to you, ma, that I'm hesitant?" to which she nods and says, "He was so worried that you will be alone at home when we aren't around. He wants to be there and take care of you, my little bubble. Try finding what your feelings says; your mom has told me everything."

I was a little taken aback by the feelings part, but I did know mom would speak to aunty because they're besties. Their friendship is something beautiful, elegant, and energetic. It's poetic to describe how they've been together since their school days, accompanying each other through their highs and lows.

My thoughts were interrupted when my mom walks towards us, and we exit. When we reach the cars, my dad waits for me and my mom, but my mom gets in first, claiming the front passenger seat.

"Ma, I wanna sit there. I'm the passenger princess," I say, to which my mom replies, "You were the passenger princess when we were coming here. So, while returning, I will be your dad's passenger princess," she says with a smile, turning to dad, who chuckles.

Soon, aunty cuts our conversation and says, "Sanath is waiting for you, Bubble. You could go with him. Somehow, he'll be passing by your route to take some of your left-out things today." I nod and move, giving a playful glare to mom, who rolls her eyes and shoos me away as we watch their car move.

Uncle's car moves next, and aunty whispers, "Give him a chance to take care of you, Bubble. He's my son, more than that, he's worth giving a chance," I can see the pride in her eyes. I nod, "I will, ma, don't worry," to which she attacks me with a bone-crushing hug and says, "I can't wait for both of you to hold hands and show your relationship to us," to which I laugh and say, "We aren't a thing, ma. Moreover, I would never hide things from you and mom. You know that very well."

Yeah, they're the two most trusted and closest besties I have. I don't hide things from them. I may say some lies to mom in fear, but to my aunt, it's always been the truth. She always treats me as her own daughter and best friend.

Sheetal ma nods, smiles, gets into the car, bids me byes, and I wait for Sanath's car as their car also exits the building.

Sanath's car comes to a stop in front of me mesmerizing Bugatti La Voiture Noire, it's absolutely breathtaking! The sleek black exterior and luxurious feel make it a dream for any car lover. It just screams money and luxury.

As I stepped back, Sanath came around and opened the door for me, giving me that princess treatment. Haha, I'm used to it! Before getting in, I made sure to remove my heels and dust off any dirt, because my brother always says that cars and bikes are men's first love. And I love cars and bikes too, treating them with the same care and importance.

Once I settled into the plush leather seats, Sanath, who was now behind the wheel, noticed my action of being cautious not to dirty his beloved car. He smiled and said, "You know, you don't have to worry about that." I couldn't help but smile back and replied, "Well, it's hard to forget the lessons from my brother. His training is ingrained in me." Sanath chuckled and shook his head in understanding.

His captivating smile mesmerizes me, holding my attention without pause. As he starts the car, the powerful engine roars to life, and we begin our journey. I can't help but notice his veiny hands gripping the wheel, the subtle intrigue of a hidden tattoo peeking through his rolled-up sleeves.

But then, my gaze shifts back to his face, and his eyes glisten under the moonlight. Something catches my attention—a small scar near his nose that wasn't there before. The intoxicating scent of his cologne fills the air, stirring my senses. I steal a glance at him, quickly returning my focus to the road, my throat feeling dry. His presence alone has that effect on me, causing me to unconsciously moisten my lips.

Turning up the Bluetooth, I activate Siri to play Taylor Swift songs. And wouldn't you know it, "Lover" begins to serenade us. I can't help but hide my smile as I sing along silently. Throughout the ride, neither of us utter a word, simply basking in the magic of love songs.

As we arrive at my house, I attempt to exit the car, but he leans in, closing the door. As I turn, our positions shift, and our close proximity allows his warmth to pass to me. He leans in instinctively; I close my eyes, feeling his warm breath near my neck. My body wasn't listening to me; my hand clenches his shirt, sending a spark of shivers down my spine. My breathing halts, and my heartbeats rise when he says, "Open your eyes, bubble."

I slowly open my eyes to see him in the same position, but now leaning towards my ear, whispering, "What were you thinking?" I don't reply, but I hear a click sound and then notice him helping me with the seatbelt. He could have done it without leaning, but instead, he buries his face in the crook of my neck. I return to my paralyzed state, but now my hand decides to obey me. I unclench my fist from his shirt and encircle both my hands, hugging him. I feel him smile against my neck as he hugs me back, whispering, "I'm glad that you're moving in with me."

I don't know how, but seeing and hearing him happy is enough for a lifetime. I don't know when his happiness became mine, but I've tasted it, and I'm not letting it go. I'll ensure he's happy every time. Oh God, please save me for the next five months near him. I might fall even deeper in love with him, and I'm scared it might be too much. What if he thinks I'm too much to handle? What if he sees me as a burden?


Hi sweetcakes! 💜

I'm super excited for the next part. Should we hit fast-forward, or is this pace good?

How are you doing? 👀😂 (*In Joey's modulation).

So, onto my rant side. I'm doing well, sweetcakes. I'm glad to see 200 reads on my story. I began this story as a reader, aiming to infuse it with everything I loved reading in stories. Now, it's becoming a responsibility, which I don't mind, by the way. I'm happy and grateful that my story is reaching people who love to read.

Thanks, sweetcakes! 💜✨🥹 Don't forget to vote and comment, guys. Love you all! 😘💜 Bye!

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