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I don't know how, but seeing and hearing him happy is enough for a lifetime. I don't know when his happiness became mine, but I've tasted it, and I'm not letting it go. I'll ensure he's happy every time. Oh God, please save me for the next five months near him. I might fall even deeper in love with him, and I'm scared it might be too much. What if he thinks I'm too much to handle? What if he sees me as a burden?



As I didn't reply to him, he breaks the hug and says, "Hey, Bubble, look at me. Everything's alright, yeah?" to which I nod. I hadn't noticed until then, until he wiped the tear from my cheeks. God, why am I being so sensitive whenever I'm with him?

He settles back in his seat and says, "So tomorrow is Sunday. Do you have any plans?"

"Nope, just have a list of places to visit..." I was cut off as he completes, "visiting a bookstore to buy a list of books," I smile and nod. "So, won't you invite me?" he complains as we get down and start walking inside home.

"I would have called, but you don't read fictional novels, and you only read business-related books. It's boring," raising an eyebrow and glancing at him. He mischievously glares at me and says, "Well, I did read the Shatter Me series because after completing that, you were like, 'I need Aaron as my boyfriend,' like he's a fictional character."

Well, it's true, I still need Aaron Warner as my boyfriend, so I point my finger at Sanath's well-built chest and say, "Don't say anything about my boyfriend." His expression changes from mischievous to serious.

He doesn't respond and walks straight to my room. Well, there comes the grumpy guy. Don't tell me he's jealous of Aaron. Then it flashes back to his words to me: he finished the Shatter Me series. There comes an image of him sulking and cursing while reading the books, hehe...

"Sanath, Sanu," I call while we enter my room, picking up the left-out things and trying to leave. But soon, I catch his wrist. He looks at me. "Sanu, please don't be grumpy," I plead with puppy eyes and call him once again, "Sanu." He sighs, keeps things down, and I pull him near the window to sit there. He looks at me and raises his eyebrow, indicating me to continue, which I do, "So, you completed the Shatter Me series." With excitement, he scoffs, leans back, and turns his face to the other side." Yes I did".

"So, what do you think?" I ask. He sees me excited and replies, "well, He just knows how to treat his women the way they deserve." That's new; usually, everyone would claim they set high standards. But this answer reflects the truth that women are shown how to be treated in fictional books. "Hmm, that's nice, right?" He asks, "So, am I invited for tomorrow's shopping?" I think for a while. I have a pile of books which is not read yet .

"Well, there's been a change in plans. I thought after everyone leaves for their business trips, I'd be bored and wanted to keep busy by going shopping. But now that you're free, why don't we do something else?" I suggest. I see a hint of sadness flash in his eyes, but it's better than him seeing me pick up smutty books while shopping - yeah, the list I was going to have included smut books.

"Okay, then what about a movie marathon in my penthouse? Somehow your things have already been shifted," he says, and I nod and smile. He seems happy, but before we can continue our conversation, he receives a call and excuses himself. After five minutes, Sanath enters again, but this time with my mom. My mom informs me first, "Your brother is leaving for the airport, Tiger, come down." I nod and get up. Mom turns to Sanath and says with a smile, "I think Anu has already informed you, right?" To which he smiles and replies, "Yeah, Ma." We all head downstairs. Sanath carries my leftover stuff. I try to help, but he smiles and declines my assistance.

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