First kiss ✨

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She leans in closer, planting a kiss on my neck before turning her gaze back to Diya, who avoids eye contact. "Remember, if a man doesn't want your presence, you obey his words. If a man says no, it means no. Now, get out," Jini commands, and Diya rushes out of my office, closing the door behind her.



When I noticed Diya eye fucking my man, my anger peaked. Damn, my mom was right; I need to control my temper.

As Diya hurried out of his office, I attempted to rise, but Sanath's grip around me tightened, preventing any movement.

"Damn, that was the hottest thing I've ever seen," he murmured,

I hiding my face in his chest. I've missed him so much. "You'd have reacted the same way if you were in my place," I reasoned, feeling comforted as his hand moved soothingly up and down my back.

He chuckled, "The difference is, he'd be dead, my tigress."

I shook my head; it's confusing whether we're toxic or the people around us are.

He planted a kiss on my forehead. I looked up, meeting his eyes, and teased, "My lips are only a couple of centimetres away from my forehead," playfully indicating the short distance.

He chuckled again, "You're going to be the death of me." I beamed, "And you, mine."

He shook his head with a smile and pecked the tip of my nose. I opened my eyes, glaring at him.

"You'll have to earn it, my tigress," he whispered, seductively nibbling my ear before leaning back and resting his hands on my head as I laid against his well-built chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Aren't you supposed to be in college by now?" His voice vibrated through his body. Without looking up,

I replied, "Didn't you check the time, my workaholic boyfriend?"

He quickly glanced at the time; it was already 5 in the evening. "Didn't notice the time, my love. Sorry," he cursed under his breath,

The impact of his never-ending new nicknames making me feel it for the first time every single time the tingles, butterflies, and incessant blushing around him.

"Now, stop moving, my lovely demon; your lady needs a power nap," I said with a smile, feeling protected as I drifted to sleep in his embrace.

When I woke up, I found myself still in Sanath's lap in his office. He was engrossed in work on his laptop. As I attempted to stand, something poked my side thigh. Instantly, his grip tightened around my waist, and he noticed my awakening,

his voice deepening, "Stop moving, baby," struggling to maintain control.

I move again feeling uncomfortable of something poking me.

He teased, "Do you want our first lovemaking session in my office, my strawberry?" With his Deep voice.

Ohh , feeling a rush heat to my cheeks and slightly wet between my legs but i act that it didn't effect me.

I smirked, "You need to earn it, my demon," echoing his earlier words.

He buried his face in the crook of my neck, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. His lips trailed butterfly kisses shattered my all confidence in seconds.

" You wanna see the real demon in me ,don't you my divine" his words sending shivers down and my core getting effected by his words.

He nuzzled my collarbone, gradually escalating the intensity. He positioned me atop him, and his arousal pressed against me through our clothes, earning a soft moan from me.

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