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I nod without saying anything. Well, that's what she needs; she gets what she wants. With that, we left for home, our home.



The sudden jolt brought me out of sleep, finding myself in Sanath's warm embrace. Unlike his usual calmness, he was tense, holding me tightly in his arms. Before my mind could fully register the situation, it happened in a blink of seconds.

Sanath cursed and shielded me with his large body, absorbing the majority of the pain and wounds as glass shattered around us. Just as my head was about to collide with the car's cracked window, a hand protected me and pulled me closer to Sanath's body.

Metal screeched against metal, and my stomach lurched as the car flipped. The once familiar interior became a chaotic whirl of noise and motion. With each turn, my grip on Sanath tightened, fearing being trapped in a nightmare.

Time seemed to slow as I braced for impact, chaos echoing in my ears. Finally, silence engulfed me as the car settled, and I struggled to orient myself amidst the wreckage, heart racing, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The hold on me loosened, and as I lifted my head, I saw Sanath looking down at me, bearing so much pain. But his hoarse voice broke through,

"Are you okay, my love?"

as he scanned me for any signs of hurt. He was definitely a freak for asking when he was the one injured and bleeding.

Reality hit me like a ton of bricks. We had been in an accident. The car had flipped, and I froze, unable to move. Groaning, I attempted to move my hand, realizing my right hand was likely broken.

I scanned Sanath, seeing him barely conscious. "Sanath," I called, patting his chest with my left hand. He struggled to focus amidst the bleeding and glass pieces embedded everywhere.

"Can you move, baby?" I asked,

my neck throbbing with pain. He nodded weakly, groaning as he tried to move. I helped him as best as I could, despite the shooting pain coursing through my body.

Somehow, we managed to crawl out of the car, my knees pricked by shattered glass. Sanath reached for me but soon lost consciousness.

I pulled him out, laying his head on my lap, and checked for injuries. Crimson liquid soaked my dress as I realized his head was bleeding. Tears streamed down my cheeks, unnoticed until now.

Gently placing his head down, I searched for my mobile amidst the wreckage. Finding my shattered device still working, I glanced at the driver's seat, where the driver lay in an odd position, eyes frozen, his world stopped.

Sobs escaped me as I hurriedly dialed the emergency hospital number. As I half-said our location, two men appeared before me, snatching my phone and throwing it.

A cloth was pressed to my nose, and I held my breath, struggling against their hold.

Before darkness engulfed me as the last of my consciousness faded away, hearing their murmurs

"Varun is gonna kill us. If we take her in this condition"

Varun. Like Varun,, no no..

Before everything went blank, my last regret was not expressing how much I loved Sanath. But I had made him safe.

I still longed for a lifetime in his arms, his morning voice, the way he started calling me "love" after reading the "Shatter Me" series.

God, give me one last chance to tell him that I love him beyond the oceans and stars.

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