my love

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With that I'm been pushed into black hole again, dangerous but you feel lost in your own consciousness where other people aren't allowed until you allow them to enter


Sanu POV

Beep... beep... beep...

"Uhh, someone stop that fucking noise. My head hurts so badly already," I muttered irritably.

As the sound persisted, I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by the bright lights. Groaning, I adjusted to the light and took in my surroundings.

The smell of antiseptic and the sterile whispers of a hospital room filled the air. I was covered in blue sheets, with tubes connected to my veins. Memories rushed back—car accident, my Jini in my arms. Shit, shit.

Panic set in, and the beeping sound increased. My mom entered the room, followed by my dad. She looked lean, like she'd lost weight. They both froze when they saw me awake. Mom's sobs brought Dad back to reality, and he moved towards me.

"Are you alright, son? Wait, I'll call the doctors," he said, rushing outside the room, reassuring Mom as he left.

Mom rushed to me and hugged me tightly. "Don't ever scare us like that again," she cried. I hugged her back, patting her gently.

"Mom, where is..." Before I could finish, Mr. Vishwakarma burst into the room, slamming the door.

He grabbed my collar. "I'll ask you only once, where the fuck is my daughter? You were responsible for keeping her safe!"

The rage in his voice was evident. He was usually the calmest person I knew, but his concern was clear in his eyes. Slowly, he began losing his composure.

Mom sobbed and tried to release me from his death grip. I placed my hand on his, and he seemed to snap back to reality, noticing the tubes connected to me and my mom's sobs. He released me and stepped back, running his hands through his hair to calm down.

"Say the name, and I'll handle it," he said after composing himself.

My throat was dry. Before I could speak, I started coughing, my ribs aching. Mom passed me water and left us alone. The cold liquid felt soothing.

"I don't know, Mr. Vishwakarma. I think it's the Tahir family behind this," I said, and before I could finish, I received a blow to the side of my face. Guess I'm dead today.

"Fucker, I told you to be careful around the Tahir family," Mukesh shouted, his eyes bloodshot and fists ready to strike again.

He had warned me. He didn't want to leave her alone, but I reassured him I would take care of her.

"Appa, call Varun. He might know where she is," Mukesh said to his father.

Varun... Because of that asswipe, I lost my Jini. My body was giving up on me slowly.

"That asswipe took her. He is the next heir of the Tahir family," I said, feeling my body weaken. Mukesh looked aghast, but Uncle showed no emotion as he dialed a number. He exited the room, speaking on the phone, while Mukesh glared at me.

"I'm sorry. I should have been more careful, knowing she was the target," I regretted not taking bodyguards that day. I shouldn't have left her.

I needed her now. Her fragrance had evaporated, replaced by the hospital smell and the taste of rusted iron in my mouth.

"Don't blame yourself. It was supposed to happen," Mukesh said, squeezing my shoulder in reassurance, though he had been ready to kill me moments ago.

Doctors entered, did their necessary check-ups, and left. At the same time, Jini's dad re-entered, holding his phone tightly.

Mukesh was on his feet. "What did he say? Does he know where she is?" he asked in a flurry of questions.

Uncle remained calm, settling on the couch. "She is safe, but we have another problem," he said, his calm demeanor back.

I knew she would be safe because that asswipe liked my Jini too much to hurt her, as long as he wasn't a psycho.

"What's the problem? How did it get this far?" Mukesh asked, slightly relieved that Jini was safe.

Uncle explained how the accident happened to save her from Tahir's kidnappers and that Jini was safe at Varun's place.

"What's the plan, Dad?" Mukesh asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Anil Tahir, Varun's father, is behind these stunts. I warned him before, but now that fucker is after my daughter. I'm going to kill him," Uncle said, and his phone rang. He picked it up and started speaking. In the middle of the conversation, he looked at me with pride. I smirked, knowing what the conversation was about. By evening, my Jini would be in my arms.

Uncle cut the call after two minutes.

"Do you know where that fucker is, Dad?" Mukesh was ready to kill anyone at this point.

Uncle's gaze never shifted from me. "He has been missing since the night of the accident." He raised his eyebrows, asking if it was my doing.

My smirk widened, and Uncle chuckled. "I knew my daughter's choice would be the best," he said, turning to Mukesh. "Come, I have to call and bring my tiger home as soon as possible." He exited the room.

"What the heck is happening here?" Mukesh screamed in frustration.

I let out a chuckle but quickly closed my mouth when I received a glare from him.

"Anil Tahir might be in the center of the ocean, ropes tied around him and a stone," I said, feeling drowsy from the medication kicking in.

Mukesh gasped. "No, you didn't!"

"Yes, I did. Now go get my love back safely from that asswipe," I shooed him away.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "A bunch of idiots in love," he said while leaving the room.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, a smile threatening to plaster on my lips. Yeah, I'm an idiot who fell in love with the most worthy, kindest, and gorgeous person in the world. Well, practically, she is my world. Oh, my love, the extent I could go for her.

A soft pair of lips touched my forehead. I knew it was my mom, her warmth and comfort unmistakable.

"Sleep well, my baby. Everything is under control," she said, settling beside me and caressing my face.

I heard a knock and my father's voice beaming through the room. The next moment, he was silenced by Mom's shushing. I could imagine her throwing daggers at him to maintain silence. Their whispered conversation was barely heard.

I couldn't focus on them clearly, my thoughts only on one person—my love—as I drifted off to sleep.


Hey sweetcakes 💜✨

hope everyone is doing well.. we are close to the end of this story....

Do support and show your love sweetcakes. Do comment and vote...

Bye love you all 😘💜...

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