strawberry shake

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But my brain, which was hyperactive for the last five minutes, suddenly stopped working, and my mouth didn't open.



Wait, wait, don't tell me this is my dream. I pinch myself; a sting of pain follows. "Ahhh, it hurts like a -" I start rubbing the spot to ensure this isn't a dream.

He asks me to be his girlfriend while I'm just wearing pajamas. Ugh, he didn't even ask me out on a proper date, direct girlfriend proposal.

I'm more confused than answering his question. I end up punching him in the chest.

"I hate you for asking me to be your girlfriend when I'm in my pajamas, but the answer to your question is yes," I say. At first, he scoffs at my first sentence, but later, a wide smile spreads across his face. When I try to hug him, he stops me, leaving me puzzled.

"Complete the answer with a full sentence, my love, and I love you just the way you are now," he insists sternly. I smile at him and comply.

"I would love for you to be my boyfriend, and I would love to be your girlfriend, my sweet demon," I say with a smile on my face. With that, he attacks me with a tight, skin-to-skin hug. This embrace feels so different from any other.

My whole body feels ablaze with goosebumps. My lips wobble from happiness, and I bury my face in the crook of his neck. He draws closer, placing me on his lap, and I wrap my legs around his hips.

I hear him whisper, "My girlfriend, my life, my tigress, my bubble," as his hands move up and down my back, giving me a sense of relaxation.

I smile, realizing it's not even a day after moving in with him, and we are already boyfriend and girlfriend.

After what feels like 10 minutes, I suddenly remember something and slap his chest, saying, "You didn't even ask me out on a date, Sanu." With an eye roll, I move away from the place, get off the bed, and head to my room.

I'm taken by surprise when he suddenly stands in front of me, grabbing my waist and tightening his hold to maintain balance I catch his shoulders, and he swiftly moves me against the closest wall, pushing me against it. My back to the wall, he releases his grip on my waist, his one hand caging me at one side on the wall leaning against me, while the other remains at my hip. I'm stuck between him and the wall.

All my confidence vanishes when my brown eyes meet his black ones. I immediately avert my gaze. He chuckles and remarks, "Shy, aren't we?"

Annoyed by his comment, my face turns as red as a tomato from the sudden rush to my cheeks.

He place his fingers on my jaw, making me look at him. "So, about the date, we'll go after Sharma's party, my sunflower. But there are things to take care of before that. Now, go get ready. I'll drop you at college, yeah?" he says in his deep raspy morning voice, removing his hand from the wall and tucking a strand of hair behind my ears.

His touch warms my ears, causing my breathing to become uneven. Shaking myself out of it, I push him away and rush to the next room, which is mine, closing the door and leaning against it.

"What just happened? Did I just become my first love's girlfriend?" Excitement floods me; each step to my bed feels like walking on clouds. My stomach tingles, and goosebumps erupt every now and then as I recall his words. I call my mom to share the details and help reduce my excitement.



I didn't know what came over me this morning when I woke up to find her in my arms. That moment made me realize I could never live without her in my life. She holds my peace and my life in those tiny hands, unaware of the power she possesses. A future with her, her very breath that she exhales, everything about her-her mere presence would be enough to keep me alive. But the notion of her being mine or the fact that I belong to her is the only thing that can make me truly live from this second onward. That thought consumed my mind.

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