Late Night Texting

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This chapter is mostly just for fun, but also to showcase their relationship developing a bit more before I age them up and throw them at each other as a couple. Enjoy!


MAE: You forgot to check in. It's been a month, Nanamin.

NANAMI: Shoot... Sorry. I've been busy applying to jobs and going to interviews. How are you?

MAE: I'm good. School is boring. Grandma snores now. How were interviews? Did you get any offers?

NANAMI: Interviews are horrid, but I got a few offers. I think I might try a financial advisory position at a new start up. It's a risk, but there's room to grow.

MAE: BORING. But good job. Proud of you.

NANAMI: Everyone has to earn a living somehow.

MAE: Don't get preachy on me. I said I was proud.

NANAMI: Are you still an artist?

MAE: Nice topic change, and yes. I'm not sure being an artist is something you can turn on and off like a light switch.

NANAMI: I meant to ask if you are still making art. I think I saw some of your drawings in Haibara's room once. There was one of a dog. A labrador I think.

MAE: YOU SAW THAT? I made that when I was like ten. I'm WAY better now. What did you think?

NANAMI: Ah. That makes sense that you were ten.

MAE: Um, excuse me? What does that mean?

MAE: You can't just say that. You're implying that it looked like a ten year old did it, meaning that you thought it looked bad.

MAE: That's so rude actually.

NANAMI: If you would let me finish typing... I thought the portrait looked incredible, but when I asked Haibara about it, he said I ought to see what you make nowadays, that it would put that portrait to shame.

MAE: Nice save. That was sweet of him though.

NANAMI: Well? Are you still making art?

MAE: Yes and no. Some days I really want to make something, and some days it's like pulling teeth. I used to win a bunch of awards at school and art competitions, but I just haven't felt super inspired lately. I might have to give it up and look for a job at your boring start up financial company.

NANAMI: Don't give it up. If you're actually better than what I saw from when you were ten, then I can only imagine how amazing you are now. You shouldn't deny the world that art, no matter how long it takes you to create it.

MAE: Stop it, I'm blushing.

NANAMI: Sorry.

MAE: I was joking. You take stuff really literally, don't you?

NANAMI: I did tell you that you could always be candid with me.

MAE: True... But you also take everything in stride. I could ask or say anything right now and you'd be polite about it.

NANAMI: Is that a bad thing?

MAE: No. It's a funny thing though.

NANAMI: I'm not sure I understand.

MAE: Hey, off topic, but do you think I could come over tonight to braid your hair? Then we could cuddle all night and you could teach me how to make your favorite bread in the morning?

NANAMI: Isn't it a school night for you?




NANAMI: In all seriousness though, it's late, and I do have one more interview in the morning.

MAE: Yes sir. Good luck at your interview with some boring old guy who probably has one photo of his family on his desk and seven photos of him and his golfing buddies to balance it out.

NANAMI: Goodnight, Mae. I promise I'll check in sooner next time.

MAE: Good. You better. Night night, Nanamin. 

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