Bonus: The Call

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Content warning: gore and description of injuries.


Drag. Step. Drag. Step. Drag. Step.

Shibuya turned out to be a nightmare. Worse than anything I'd ever faced before, I nearly lost my students a dozen times over. The last domain nearly killed me if it hadn't been for Fushiguro's quick thinking and strength. He was quickly climbing the ranks of my favorite students.

Drag. Step. Drag. Step. Drag. Step.

Blood dripped from my empty eye socket every few paces. With Maki on my back, I wasn't making much progress. Both of us nearly died in the domain, only to come face to face with a special grade curse with a specialty for fire.

Every breath from my lips was labored. Every step a pain.

I should have taken those vacation days I earned weeks ago. I should have been on a beach in Malaysia right now with Mae.

There was much to regret in life. Much I hadn't done yet but still wanted to. If I could just make it through tonight... Maybe I could still do some of it.

Drag. Step. Drag. Step. Drag. Step.

I grunted. Maki's weight on my shoulder rubbed at my tender, charred flesh. But the sooner I got her to Shoko, the sooner I could get back out there and help the others.

Fushiguro, Itadori, and all the rest needed me. That was what I kept telling myself anyway, even if it had been them saving the day so far.

Without Gojo to lead us though, I didn't know if we stood a chance anymore. We'd been woefully unprepared for something like this.

Maki started to slip, and with the motion, some of my skin tore free off my shoulder. Biting back a cry of pain, I finally stopped. She fell to the side, and I braced her fall as much as possible, letting her topple to the ground beside me where I sat in a heap to catch my breath. The whole word spun as agonizing pain blazed through me in waves.

Something dinged loudly in my pocket. For a moment, I didn't have a clue what it could be. Bells? Only I didn't know where they could be coming from.

Like coming out of a thick, hazy sleep, the realization that it was my phone dawned on me.

Must have made it through one of the barriers and gotten a bit of service, I thought sluggishly as I dug into my soot stained pants pocket. What was left of my pants at least... The clothes on my lower half were in tatters, barely holding on, and where they remained attached was only because they had melted to my skin.

With shaky, dirty fingers, I pressed play on the new voicemail. I hadn't seen who it came from, but as soon as the tearful voice came through, I knew it was Mae.

"Nanamin, I know you're in Shibuya."

My heart stalled. Hearing her voice now, hearing her fear, drowned out the rest of the world in an instant.

"I know it's selfish. I know I'm asking you to abandon others for me, but I— I'm scared, Nanamin, and I just can't help it. I feel like something awful is going to happen if you don't come home to me. Please..."

I lifted a hand to my mouth, listening with rapt attention. Bated breath. All the focus in the world on her trembling voice. I could almost picture her on the other end, seated on her sofa in her leggings, the walking treadmill off to the side.

"Just come home."


Mae was home, and she was calling me back. The idea was so tempting that I almost dialed her number. Almost gave in, almost promising to return.

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