Bonus: Maki's Lecture

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Bonus chapter! This is another scene from Nanami's POV. You can skip ahead to the next chapter if you want to see him make it up to Mae, but this chapter will give you a little insight as to what transpires with his students before he decides to go after her. Hope you enjoy!


I'd been struggling to keep thoughts of Mae at bay all morning. Leaving my tie hadn't been planned, but it was the perfect excuse to go to her place two nights in a row.

So when she showed up unannounced, thwarting my plans and scaring me, there was no stopping my sharp tone.

I severely regretted it now...

She'd been close to tears when she snapped at me. Tears I caused. It made me sick to my stomach.


I cut a hard look to Maki, surprised the Zen'in girl would say something so condescending about a window when she herself couldn't see curses like Mae could.

That was when I realized she was glaring brazenly at me.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," she grumbled, then pointed a finger straight at my chest. "That was stupid. You should have just said thank you and made sure she didn't get lost on her way out. You didn't have to make a scene and embarrass her. Are all men this stupid?"

Itadori raised his hand innocently. "I would have hugged her."

Fushiguro shrugged. "Probably would have just said thank you and moved on."

"Salmon." Inumaki was as unhelpful as always.

Panda at least had some extra insight as he said, "She mentioned Yu. Is that Haibara? She probably feels conflicted that you only tolerate her because of your old classmate's connection. Or she might have come here seeking a little more connection to her brother."

Panda hit a little too close to home. I bristled, and the look on my face made everyone take a step back.

"I'm sure apologizing to her will make it better," Panda said hastily, wanting to move on from his very pointed reminder of Haibara's death.

"Well?" Kugisaki prompted, a hand poised on her hip. "Are you going to go after her?"

Sighing through my nose, I uncrossed my arms and adjusted my glasses. "You're all clearly suffering from Gojo's influence. Speaking to your teacher so brazenly..." I had never been so disrespectful to any of my teachers growing up, but Gojo had let loose countless times that I recalled.

Nonetheless, I added, "I will apologize to her later. We're in the middle of training now."

"I can take over," Maki volunteered. She stepped forward, pointing her staff at the first years. "I'll whip you three into shape."

Truthfully, Maki was probably the best teacher for them. I would be leaving them all in good hands with her in charge. But to skip out in the middle of the work day? I wasn't Gojo.

"Thank you, but we'll resume our lessons, and I will conduct my personal business after hours. Now, shall we continue?"

Maki clicked her tongue, and a few of the others shook their heads as if they were disappointed in me.

"At least go over your lunch break," Itadori pleaded with a frown.

Clapping my hands together, I tried to summon order back to the lesson. "Please. Let's continue where we left off."

However, when lunch rolled around...

I shamelessly went to Gojo, finding him dozing in his office, and cleared my throat to pose my request. As he jolted upright, I said, "I need you to teleport me somewhere."

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