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I'm baaaaaccckkk!!! Finished the other fanfic, and things are slowing down for the holiday, so now I've got lots of time for this one. Thanks for all the sweet comments and love! I'm glad you're all enjoying the story so far <3


For the first time in longer than I could remember, I sat down with my big sketchbook and began a project that had been rattling around in the back of my head for a while. It felt too raw to touch at first. Too fragile. Like if I messed it up, I would hate art all over again and feel like a failure.

It was a picture I had in my mind that I wasn't sure existed. An amalgamation of all the times I saw his smiling face, I pictured my brother, frozen in time, laughing and happy like he'd just been told there would be a rice buffet wherever we were going for dinner.

In my mind, he didn't wear his school uniform. Just a t-shirt and sweatpants because he prioritized comfort whenever he didn't need to dress up.

It wasn't going to be the most profound of portraits, but it was a beautiful picture in my mind nonetheless.

I worked on it for hours, from mid morning when the birds were singing until sunset when the cars were honking with evening traffic crowding the streets. I completely forgot to eat, only stopping when my stomach growled extra loud and hard.

I pulled back, feeling almost every vertebrae from the base of my skull down to my hips popping with relief to finally be out of a hunched position. Rolling my neck and flexing my cramped fingers, I reached for my phone simultaneously.

NANAMI: I'll swing by in an hour. Can I pick up anything for you at the store along the way?

My heart jumped for joy to see his message, sent only ten minutes ago.

Resisting the urge to text him to pick up condoms, I asked for what I really needed.

MAE: I got busy doing stuff today and haven't started dinner. Do you maybe want to pick up takeout for us?

NANAMI: I'll pick that up now. Any requests?

MAE: Whatever you want. I'm starving, so hurry.


Nanami turned up with a huge bag of takeout, the plastic handles stretched to the max since they were over ladened with all my favorite foods. It looked like he'd gotten samples of everything on the menu, and it made me love him for it.

In his other hand was a bag with the grocery mart logo on it. I peeked inside, finding a container of pads and tampons. "Um... Do I want to know why you got these?" Not condoms, disappointingly.

"Because I noticed you were low when you had me fetch your first aid kid from the bathroom cupboard."

My jaw dropped.

"You were snooping!" I knew he saw it all, and I'd been right to be embarrassed.

"No." He spoke calmly, defending himself as stoically as ever. "But I'm not blind. I saw the feminine hygiene supplies and made a mental note that your stock was low."

Hand on my hip, I appraise him with a smirk. "You're crossing over into long term boyfriend territory with this, you know."

"That's the goal," he replied smoothly. No hint of a joke in his voice.

I wasn't due for another week for my period, and he'd stocked me up well in advance without being asked. It was a feat that shouldn't have been so shocking in the world of men, and yet it was. It was very shocking.

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