Perfect Doesn't Cut It

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*** (starting right away, lol)

He tossed me down, only pretending to be rough with me. However, it wasn't lost on me that he was treating me like I was fragile. He could pretend all he wanted, but I would have my way sooner or later.

Nanami would be throwing me around within the week. He insisted he wanted to please me, and I wouldn't be pleased till he learned to be rough.

I had a feeling he would be rough in his own way though... Extra cautious with a dash of roughness. Maybe a pinch...

I would take whatever I could get.

Grabbing his collar again, I dragged him down on top of me with a whimpering plea. My fingers flew through his buttons, doing my best to undress him while my mind shut off completely and his tongue entered my mouth. I couldn't think of much else, totally lost to the slow strokes of his tongue against mine. I was shivering, lost to it, and melting with every agonizingly slow, fevered beat of his kisses.

My fingers stalled, slipping away from his shirt to weave into his blonde locks. I tugged him in, gripping tight, and basked in the perfection of his kiss for a little longer.

That is until we both grew restless again.

I didn't want the kiss to end, but I needed more. Tension built in my stomach, coiling tighter and tighter, begging for attention or release. I jerked my hips up into him, needing something to grind on.

His fingers pushed into the divots of my hips, pinning me down. Though I whimpered in protest, I couldn't really complain. Getting pinned down was definitely okay with me.

He didn't do anything more though. Didn't further anything as he continued to kiss me.

A bit impatiently, I asked, "You did come prepared, right?" I was breathless, mere seconds away from begging.

"Yes," he ground out like he was biting back anger or frustration.

"Are we going to—"

"Please, Mae," he whispered, voice already hoarse. "I need a minute, or I'm never going to last. Please let me collect myself."


Oh my.

That was even better than I expected. Nanami? Falling apart at the seams? Losing control?

Yes, please. I needed that now.

Instead of giving him what he asked for, I gave him the opposite. No time to collect himself. Only the encouragement to lose it more. I slid my hand between us, stroking him through his pants with the heel of my palm. "Sorry, what was that?" I crooned innocently.

He groaned, arching his neck, giving me the chance to lick and suck against his pulse.

"Mae..." His voice trembled, and his hands shifted to keep my hips from rolling a second time even while I continued to stroke him.

"Yes, Nanamin?" I whispered against his throat.

"I really— I need to—"

"What you need is to undress me and take me as hard as you can," I said with all the sternness I could muster. It came out a bit wobbly though, because the mere thought of him having his way with me was enough to leave me seeing stars.

In a flash, I found my arms pinned above my head, clasped at the wrists by one of his callused hands. And to my utter delight, he used his other hand to slide up under my shirt. Skin against skin. Rough calluses from gripping his cursed tool all day brushing tantalizingly against my smooth torso.

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