Spare Key

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We scheduled three get-togethers. We canceled every one.

Nanami's missions were ramping up, but he wouldn't tell me much about it over text. All I knew was that curses were coming out of the woodwork all over the country, and something was going on with one of his students.

Months passed. Summer was pretty much over. And I still hadn't seen him again.

Selfishly, I wanted to throw a fit about it. I wanted to demand he make time for me. Not seeing him after I was promised more visits felt like when my grandmother promised me ice cream, only to get to the store and find out they were completely out of it.

One late night, we were texting and trying to schedule the fourth get together when I finally had enough and suggested something simpler.

MAE: What if you just came over any evening you were free, and I made us dinner?

NANAMI: What time do you eat at? I wouldn't want you to wait on my account.

MAE: Doesn't matter. I can eat if I get hungry and whip something up for you whenever you get here.

NANAMI: Can I pay for groceries?

MAE: No.

NANAMI: Can I bring a dish to share?

MAE: Nanamin. You don't have time to meet up during normal hours. When in the world would you have time to make a dish to share?

NANAMI: I don't feel right about not contributing.

MAE: You're contributing with your presence. I just want to see you sometime. Please don't worry about anything else.

NANAMI: I can try to swing by tomorrow. I won't come if it's too late.

MAE: I usually stay up till 1 in the morning. Come whenever.

NANAMI: You do? That's not healthy.

MAE: Just come whenever OKAY!

Throwing my phone at the foot of my bed, I let out a huff. He was so stubborn... But the thought of him coming so soon to my apartment again had my heart racing.

That night, I stayed up until two in the morning, and it was all his fault for working me up. Granted, Nanami could work me up by breathing these days, and it was really a me-problem more than it was a him-problem, but still...

It was his fault. That was the story I was sticking with.

The following day, I worked through more commissions than I had in ages, cleared my inbox, finished all the laundry, and even dusted the pesky corners of my apartment that I needed a chair to reach. The place was spotless, and I was totally organized.

And it still wasn't time to start cooking yet.

I laid on the couch, scrolling through social media for another hour, but I couldn't stop glancing at the time. Nanami made an attempt to always finish up by six, but lately he'd been working later and later because of all the missions he had. The poor guy was putting in overtime like crazy...

I didn't want to start cooking till at least six, or whenever I heard from him, because I wanted to feed him something somewhat fresh, and I wanted to eat with him.

Alas, my stomach started growling at five, and I had to tide myself over with protein bars and trail mix.

At about seven o'clock, a text at last came through.

NANAMI: Just finished up. Is it still alright for me to come over?

MAE: YES. Get your butt over here. I'm starting on dinner now actually.

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