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For the next week, Nanami had a few jobs that kept him away, giving me far too much time to think about what sort of costume I wanted to see him in.

Shamelessly, I wondered how much of his bare body I could get away with showing. But in the end, I had to put that fantasy aside. He trusted me with this task, and I didn't want to ruin that.

As my mind turned to fully dressed options, and a well timed commercial popped up on my television for kids' toys, the idea hit me.

Woody and Jessie. From Toy Story, of course. But more importantly, it meant I got to see him in a cowboy hat.

The idea of him dressed up like a cowboy—complete with the hat, blazer, and leathers—had me laying out on the sofa for the rest of the day. Fully blushing, face in a pillow, biting back screams.

It wasn't just a fantasy either. It was going to be real in a few days.

Nanami found me one night kicking my feet and giggling as I ordered our costume pieces online. He strode in with a bag of groceries in one hand and a bouquet of daisies in the other. "Do I want to know?" he asked drily.

I whipped the screen around to show him the chaps I just ordered. "Look!"

He walked over, squinting to carefully examine what I was buying for us. If he didn't like it, it was too late now.

"I like the print."

My jaw dropped, but it made sense then. Woody's cow print vest was rather close to Nanami's tie and the patterned bindings around his cursed tool.

"I can't wait to see you in a cowboy hat," I blurted.

"And you'll be matching?"

"Mhmm." I kicked my feet up on the sofa, grinning ear to ear.

"Good." The corner of his mouth ticked up a notch, but he hid it as he turned away to retreat to the kitchen and unpack the groceries.

He was a surprisingly good sport, and when the day finally came around, I could scarcely contain my excitement. After raving about it to my grandma for over an hour on the phone, it was finally time to get dressed and ready.

NANAMI: I'm running a little late. An hour tops.

His message came through just as I tied off my second braid. The red toner I applied to my hair hadn't been as vibrant as I hoped, staining my hands more than my hair in the process, but the freckles I applied with makeup made up for it.

MAE: That's okay. Want me to meet you there?

NANAMI: And let Gojo accost you without me there? Of course not. I'll pick you up. I promise I'll come as fast as I can.

MAE: Okay, Nanamin. Be safe.

NANAMI: I will.

I couldn't possibly be mad when I knew the work he did was so important. Whether it was exorcizing a lethal curse or mentoring a young student, all of it was ten times more important than a party.

No matter how badly I wanted to go to this party...


By the time we finally got to the restaurant, the party was already well underway. Nanami had turned up with his costume in hand, not properly dressed yet, and so we were delayed another twenty minutes.

I had tried not to rush him, and then I had tried to keep my hands off him when he walked out of my bathroom in cowboy attire. Honestly, it was a miracle we made it at all.

The Reservation (Nanami Kento || JJK)Where stories live. Discover now