Bonus: The Interview

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Bonus chapter! This is from Nanami's POV just to fulfill my stupid wish to see a joke from their texting session come to fruition. Feel free to pass if you want to get to the rest of the plot.


Why was I taking this interview... It was too early for this, and I didn't even want this job. Not to mention, I was already about to accept a different position with a financial start up group.

Staying up late to text Mae had been poorly timed as well. Not that I regretted talking to her, because she seemed to need a friend, but I should have reached out to her sooner. Then maybe we could have timed this all better so I didn't miss sleep right before an interview.

It didn't matter in the long run. I wasn't going to take this job. I would just put my best foot forward, even if today's best was subpar.

Strolling into the office building, I adjusted my tie in the elevator, then walked professionally up to the receptionist's desk. "Nanami Kento, here for the eight o'clock interview."

The receptionist tapped acrylic nails on the keyboard, found my name on her calendar, and smiled. "Perfect! You can have a seat. He'll be right with you."

I didn't want to sit. Sitting would crease my suit and also make me look inferior when the man in charge approached me standing.

Nonetheless, I sat, not wanting to be difficult.

Ten minutes passed, and no one came to shake my hand.

Then another ten minutes passed. Staring out the window on the fifth story wasn't holding my interest very well anymore, and my fingers itched to reach for my phone and check for any more messages from Mae.

After a half hour of waiting, I approached the receptionist's desk once more. "I hate to be a bother, but is he not in today?"

"Oh, no... I'm sorry, but he is usually a bit late on Mondays. You know how it is after the weekend." I did not, but I nodded, encouraging her to tell me more. "Why don't you wait in his office? You'll be more comfortable there."

"Only if it's not a bother, and you're certain he'll arrive soon."

"Yes, no bother at all!" She stood, ushering me into the corner office with a wave. "He won't be here later than nine."

I had to take her word for it, didn't I?

Alone in the boss's office, I sat in the chair across from the desk, resisting the urge to cross my arms over my chest as I peered around at all the trinkets and knick knacks the man kept.

Decorative shot glasses sat in a row on one shelf. A picture of a golf course sat above that shelf.

On the desk, there was a nice photo of him, his wife, and their chubby baby. Next to it was a photo of him golfing with two other guys, all three of them holding beers.

The more I looked around, the more golf photos I found, and related golf paraphernalia.

My lips turned down, a smile creeping up on me before I could stop it.

She was right... Mae was actually right...

I pulled out my phone and snapped a photo of the desk when I was sure the receptionist wasn't paying attention across the hall.

NANAMI: I didn't know you were psychic, but you were a little off. Ratio was seven to three, golf to family photos.

I put my phone away when I heard the elevator ding, not wanting to be caught texting when the boss walked in. It wouldn't look professional.

"He's waiting for you in your office!" the receptionist said cheerily.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Completely unable to help myself, I slipped it out to peek.

MAE: HAHAHA! I knew it!! Knock 'em dead, Nanamin.

"Nanami Kento, a pleasure to meet you."

I slipped my phone away and turned with a full, genuine smile to shake the boring man's hand. 

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