Epilogue: The Reservation

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"You're late."

Sitting at our usual booth, arms crossed over my chest, I tapped my fingers on my arms as I eyed Nanami up and down.

He raked a hand through his hair quickly as he bustled through the restaurant, side stepping servers and other customers that he towered over like a mountain. The light caught on his hand, a gold wedding band glistening on his finger that ran through his hair.

With my thumb, I rubbed a matching band on my own hand. Less than a year married, but I already had the attitude of a woman married over fifty years.

When he finally made it to the booth, blowing out a breath of relief, I couldn't hold back my smile any longer. He was wearing a new tie—the one he got on our honeymoon in Malaysia.

"Sorry," he intoned after taking a breath to settle himself. "How can I make it up to you?"

I tapped my chin, humming as I thought about it for a few seconds. Frankly, he didn't owe me anything since this reservation was about honoring my brother's passing. Not me. But would I still try to get something out of it for myself? Absolutely.

"You can do all the laundry tonight."

"Don't I always?"

I scoffed, then lobbed a rolled up paper wrapper at his head. It bounced harmlessly off his forehead, and Nanami barely blinked, but it didn't escape me that he had let it hit him. A man with his talents wouldn't be caught off guard by a missile, let alone a piece of paper.

"Okay, fine." I sat back, arms re-crossing over my chest. "Let me throw a party then. One for you, your students, and the other teachers and staff." Yu would have loved something like that too, so I didn't feel so guilty using his death anniversary to get something I wanted.

The corners of Nanami's mouth creased with a frown. Parties were not his forte, but even moreso, he could barely stand the other teachers. He stared me down, hoping I would break, but of course I didn't. So after a heavy sigh, he lamented, "If I say yes, you have to promise not to invite Gojo."

"He's hilarious though!" I protested.


At the risk of losing my chance to throw a party at all, I gave in with a sigh and a flourish of my arms. "Fine! No Gojo."

He'll turn up anyway, I thought. I still have his number and will let him know about it.

I raised a finger as another thought occurred to me. Another reparation I wanted. "And—"

"Oh, there's more?" he asked calmly.

Another wrapper flew at his head. This time he dodged it with a small lean at the last nanosecond.

"I want you to make love to me tonight," I finished sternly.

Without missing a beat, he replied, "I already planned to."

That shut me up. I sat back, heat rising up my neck and pooling in my cheeks. I couldn't get my flush under control when he stared at me across the table with a longing in his eyes that made me squeeze my legs together.

"Maybe we should take our food to go," I suggested a bit breathlessly.

"I don't think your brother would feel particularly honored if we skipped out on his anniversary dinner so I could do his sister."

I snorted. "Is that a no then?"

Nanami pushed away from the table, sliding out of the booth. "It's not. I'll get the check."


THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES TO EVERYONE WHO READ! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope the ending gives you a little joy since he deserves to be alive and happy more than anyone in the world. <3

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