Gross comments

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A/N this is inspired by the barstool sports comments and some of the other mysognistic comments made. 

Travis and Taylor has recently gone public. Most people were happy for them, they were declared the new power couple. The NFL was being rather thirsty about Taylor appearing at the games and their relationship in general, it was uncomfortable because it was Travis' employer, but all they could do was ride out the storm. He knew Taylor was a massive superstar , the relationship was gonna be the talk of the town. 

Obviously they knew it wasn't gonna be a 100% positive reception, nothing ever Is and there's  always bitter folks. But there's some stuff Travis was surprised by. It should've been expected considering the male dominated nature , and at times very toxic section of football bro culture, but the misogyny was definitely disappointing and surprising for Travis. Taylor was slut shamed, body shamed ruthlessly , there was bets on fan sites about sex acts she will/ won't do. 

And that's not including  some of the lowlifes who have a actual platform.  Some of the comments were borderline sexual harassment. 

Travis was scrolling through his phone when he came across something he wished he hadn't seen. Now barstool sports has always been trashy, problematic, and low key frat boy vibes, but he didn't think they'd be this vile. They were demanding to see a sex tape from Taylor and Travis if Taylor wants to keep showing up at the games, and describing in graphic detail  sex acts they want to see her do. It was vile and so creepy. Making these comments about a woman who is just trying to watch a game. 

Travis felt sick. He planned on making an anonymous complaint . He also wished that was the only sports commentators making those kind of disrespectful comments about his girlfriend. He knew some football fans weren't happy that coverage of Taylor was at times overshadowing the actual game, but that was not Taylor's fault! All she did was show up, she's not asking them to put her on the tv or make song puns. As a matter of fact they both wish that would calm down. 

He came across another video on tiktok , some greasy looking slimeball who shouldn't even open his mouth started talking, they were giving commentary during the games and were speaking over footage  of Taylor at the game. 

"I speak for all men in America when I say we don't give a fuck about Taylor Swift  because we can't fuck her! we can't, she's kelce's do not want to mess with him".  Travis felt his blood pressure increase.  Well at least they were right about one  thing, that's  his woman and you don't wanna be on travis' kelce's bad side. 

Just then Taylor walks into the kitchen  and sees a look on his face, " something happen?" She asks, grabbing a glass of water. 

"No...yeah. There's no point in pretending or hiding this to protect you. I'm sure you've been made aware of these comments too, it's all going viral due to people's outrage" 

She sets the glass down on the counter and joins him on one of the nearby island barstools. She turned to look at him and places a hand on his knee. 

" I take it you're referring to those sex tape comments?"  She asks 

" yes. That and other things along those lines " he says with a sigh 

" babe, in terms of hate and misogyny, this is quite tame. I'm a woman in the public eye, this  is nothing new"  

"Well I'm gonna say something"  he was thinking a statement and a comment. He's still fuming 

"No! please don't. Just leave it. Let's just live our lives" she begs 

"Tay, those comments are not acceptable" he doesn't think they should just get away with what most would probably consider sexual harassment 

"I know. But Most of those outrageous comments are clearly to provoke for attention, you or anyone else putting them on blast is just giving them the engagement they want" she explains 

He reluctantly agrees to keep his mouth shut. 

"I just feel guilty  for subjecting you to all this. And I'm embarrassed that so many football fans are reacting like this"

" I've had death threats from fans of people I was dating before, This is not on you. And again I think the people saying shit have to be a very small percentage. Even all the losers acting like a few song puns or some swifties at the games ruin everything must be very few. Numbers talk and as annoying as it can be,  the NFL and everyone else wouldn't be milking this relationship  so much if it wasn't doing something for them." 

" why are you so good at that? Taking everything in stride and putting it in perspective like that" he's still astounded by how level headed this woman is 

" I don't know, I guess you kinda have to be when your life is so abnormal." she says simply 

" Yeah, but When I take a step back the situation doesn't seem fair or equal at all. My jersey's are selling out, I'm getting congratulated,  the NFL is raking in the profits from all your swifties. Even random brands are cashing in to sell condiments. ...Meanwhile you're getting this treatment. " 

" You're selling yourself short Trav, I'm happy with you and that's what matters.  Also social media and losers are not real life, you said it yourself chief's kingdom was happy. We saw it. And I felt it. I feel welcomed whenever I'm at home games at arrowhead." 

"They are the best nfl fanbase. I've been saying it for so long" 

" They are definitely passionate. And I'm honored to be welcomed by them."

She slides off the bar stool and into his lap, straddling him. 

"Haters can make all the comments they want, but at the end of the day this is about us and our relationship. we're happy, we're hot, we're successful. Who the fuck cares what others think?" 

" I think you just found your next #1 song" he laughs kissing her 

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