Club nightmare

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Travis was having a great night at the club, surrounded by flashing lights and pulsing music. He hopped onstage by the DJ and danced in the booth, as he often did, and pointing to Taylor occasionally. It's no secret he was a bit of a party animal. He was enjoying himself, dancing with friends and sipping on his drink. But as he turned around, his mood quickly changed when he saw his girlfriend Taylor being groped by a group of men.

He sobered up so fast.

His heart raced with anger as he watched them touch her inappropriately, ignoring her obvious discomfort. Taylor looked terrified, her eyes pleading for help as she tried to get away. Travis couldn't believe what he was seeing. How could these men think it was okay to treat her like this? Where were her friends? Where the hell was security?!

Without a second thought, Travis pushed through the crowd and reached out to grab the men's hands off of Taylor. "Get your hands off her!" he shouted, his voice booming over the music.

The men were taken aback by Travis' sudden outburst, but they quickly composed themselves and tried to brush it off. "Relax man, we were just having some fun," one of them slurred, clearly drunk.

Travis could feel his blood boiling, but he knew he needed to stay calm. He didn't want to cause a scene in the middle of the club. Taylor was already upset enough. He turned to Taylor, who was now huddled in the corner, shaking and holding back tears .

"Are you okay?"he asked, his voice softening.

Taylor nodded, her lip trembling. She could see the anger in Travis' eyes and she knew he was ready to defend her at any cost. But she also knew that he needed to stay level-headed in this situation.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause a scene,"she whispered, wiping away her tears.

Travis wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "It's not your fault, Taylor. These guys have no right to treat you like this. Where is your security? Why aren't they doing anything?" he asked, his voice filled with frustration.

Taylor hesitated before answering. "I...I don't know. They were here earlier but I haven't seen them in a while. They spotted a violent stalker and had to go deal with that, I told them I'd be fine." she replied, her voice barely audible. She was struggling to stay upright and leaned into Travis

Travis' anger only grew at the thought of Taylor being left alone without proper protection. He quickly scanned the club, trying to spot any familiar faces from Taylor's security team. But he couldn't see anyone in the dark.

Realizing that he needed to take matters into his own hands, Travis grabbed Taylor's hand and led her towards the exit.."Let's get out of here, I'll make sure you're safe," he said, his voice full of determination.

As they made their way through the club, Travis could feel the stares of the other club-goers. He didn't care though, all that mattered to him was Taylor's safety.

He stopped temporarily to put his jacket on her after noticing she was vulnerably covering herself with her arms.

A club security and one of her security came running over , having caught some of the commotion " I'm so sorry Taylor. I was scanning the crowd and doing a sweep to make sure no one else snuck in"

" let's just get out of here" she says softly. They could go over what went wrong some other time.

Once they were outside, Travis led her to their car and helped Taylor inside. He put the partition up and sat back in his seat, his mind still reeling from what had just happened as they were driven home. He's never gonna forget that scared look in Taylor's eyes as drunk men pulled at her clothes and body.

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