A/N sorry it's been so long. I will be posting more. This is just a cute idea I had. It's kinda long and probably could be pruned but whatever. Pls Leave a comment and like
Taylor was already tired, but today was worse. Her toddler son, Noah, was having one of the worst tantrums she'd seen in a long time. He was screaming, throwing things, and stomping his feet, refusing to listen to anything she said. The time-outs didn't do anything. Reasoning did nothing.
Lately it seemed their usually sweet and well behaved son transformed into a raging toddler, refusing to listen to anything they said and throwing a fit over the slightest thing.
She was currently attempting to make lunch as Noah was acting up, trying to get a reaction, it was just one of those days. Travis was out of the house today, but hopefully he'd be here soon. she usually manages just fine even on days like this, but with the addition of a newborn and being very sleep deprived; her patience was wearing thin. it took everything in her not to burst out in tears of frustration. She was hormonal, exhausted and still in a bit of physical pain.
" Noah, I'm warning you, if you don't stop that I'm taking your dinosaurs for all of tomorrow " Taylor says sternly hoping he would quit throwing stuff, the time-out clearly wasn't working.
when Travis had come back from his meetings nothing had changed.
Normally one " Hey! " from Dad with that deep dad voice did the trick but it wasn't working today. Nothing was.
As they tried to calm Noah down, their newborn daughter, Emily, decided now was a perfect time, her tiny cries echoing through the room from the baby monitor. They could see her stirring in her bassinet on the monitor screen. Taylor glanced at Travis, her eyes pleading for him to take over as she started walking towards the stairs. She knew she had to be there for Emily, Noah likely woke her, but it was also close to Feed time. As Taylor walked upstairs she could barely keep her eyes open, she made a mental note to give their nanny a big raise when she returns after being out sick.
Taylor headed straight to the nursery , Em slept in their bedroom at night still, but often took naps in her nursery so she'd be used to the environment when she was a bit older and sleeping through the night.
Meanwhile Travis took a deep breath and tried to approach Noah calmly. They didn't let their kids get away with stuff just because they believed in gentle parenting, but they also believe any behavior is communication, especially at this age. Time-outs weren't gonna do much if their son was upset about something.
"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice gentle but firm. "Can you tell Daddy why you're upset?" Noah just continued to scream, his tiny fists clenched as he thrashed on the ground. "Okay," Travis said, kneeling down beside him. "Let's take a deep breath and try again." He placed a hand on Noah's shoulder, guiding him through a series of slow, deep breaths. They always did their best to model behavior so Noah would learn to self regulate.
As he worked with their son, Taylor busied herself with tending to Emily. She picked up the little baby and carried her to her bedroom, where she sat down on the bed and carefully laid the baby on her exposed chest hoping she'd latch on quickly. It often took some time, hence the choice to relax on their big bed rather than the rocker in the nursery. Emily was still fussing, trying to get a good latch to nurse, her tiny face scrunched up in discomfort. Taylor felt her heart ache as she looked at her precious daughter, knowing how exhausting it must be for her to adjust to this new world.
When she was done nursing Taylor buttoned up her shirt and carried the baby downstairs with her. Based on the soundtrack she was still hearing she was hearing, she figured her husband might need some backup. She glanced over at Travis and Noah, watching as Travis continued to try and reason with their son. It was clear that Noah was having a hard time processing his emotions, he was also struggling to adjust to having to share his parents. There was also quite a bit of regression in behaviors, which they were told to expect. This was a difficult time of adjustment m for the whole family, Taylor knew that Travis was just as exhausted as she was. She could see the weariness in his eyes, the strain on his face.

FanfictionJust some cute oneshots about Taylor and Travis. Some will definitely be longer than these first ones posted. I take requests. Will contain mature themes