Chapter 9: Hurricane ahead

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-Gerards POV- 
And i had to admit, Frank is one of the cutest things ive seen. I know he was up all night. But when he fell asleep, oh man, when he was asleep was when he got to me. His innocent baby face. The way he sort of twitched during a dream, and his soft snores. Whether i wanted to acknowledge it or not, i was falling for Frank. And not the sweet type of falling, whether i wanted it or not, it was the type that would have frank on my mind 24/7. The kind that will want me to actually be with him. And whether i was ready for this or not, it was happening... and quickly.
"Gerard?"he asked in a low groany voice. I turned around and looked at him and smiled. 
"Yes sugar?" He smiled and rolled his eyes while getting out of bed.
"Just wanted to see if you were up... Are you hungry?"
"No sugar, thanks though."i think it was simpler to leave it at that. He yawned and smiled. 
"Alright well im going for a smoke you can come if you want." Just as he said that i jumped up into the air. He gave me the cutest little glare and giggle. 
"Thats a yes then."he said with a grin on his face. 
I followed him, watching him walk to the sliding glass door. He held the pack of cigarettes in one hand and opened the glass door with his other hand. 
"And here we have it."he said taking a seat on the grass. "My crappy backyard."he continued taking a cigarette out. It wasnt crappy. Bland? Yes. There wasnt anything out here except the grass and fence. Which is totally okay. 
Truth be told, i was scared. Not scared, terrified would be the right word. Frank would sooner or later make me feel things i never wanted to feel with someone. Make me do things i wasnt sure i was doing. And if that doesnt terrify anyone than i dont know what will. Anything Frank did seemed to fascinate me, and i wanted him to be happy. I know he isnt. He didnt need to tell me, it was plastered all over his face, and frankly i felt sad for him. 
"Frank?"i asked grabbing his attention. 
"Why do you flinch all of the time, like when someone tries to touch you." i didnt know if it was a line crossing conversation, but i was curious, he seemed to do it a lot. Like he was afraid. 
He froze, didnt say anything, eyes widened. He slowly turned his head to look at me. 
"I dont flinch."he said taking a drag from his cigarette. 
"Yes you do Frankie."
"Gerard no i dont. I dont flinch okay? Im perfectly normal." 
"Frank you can tell me."
"Gerard! I dont flinch!"he said with irritation in his voice. He threw his finished cigarette on the ground and stormed inside. I got up and followed inside. 
"Then tell me why youre sad."i blurted out. Wrong move gerard... wrong move. He looked me dead in the eyes and stared me down for a few minutes. 
"Im not fucking sad! Im fucking happy, and normal. And everything is okay!"he said walking up the stairs to his bedroom. That was total bull crap.  I know it was. If there was one thing you needed to know about Frank Iero is that he is a shit of a liar. I followed him into his bedroom and he slammed the door once we were both in.
"Im not sad"he mumbled out. I shook my head and crossed my arms. His room was getting pretty hot. The sun shining on his bed that was in the corner. For the first time in weeks its finally hot. I looked out the window and then at Frank. The sun was hitting him perfectly. He is truly beautiful. 
"Why are you trying to get me to say it? Why do i matter? I dont. We went on one date. Its not like you like me or anything. So lets just drop it."He said plopping down on his bed. 
"Thats the thing Frank, I do like you. And i care about you, and i can tell when youre lying. Ive known you for around 3 or 4 months and youve grown on me you little twat." All of this was a scary thing, because it was only supposed to be a dare. Oh fuck i really did it this time. Im having all these types of feelings about frank that i dont want. He made me feel things i couldnt ignore, somethings i never felt before. His eyes shimmered as the sunlight hit his face. 
"You what?"he asked as if he didnt hear me the first time. 
"I like you."
"W-why me"he asked curiosity in his tone. I was actually asking myself the same thing. Why was it him. Why did i fall for him and not my girlfriend. Its a completely different feeling i get when im with Frank. Something thats undescribable. 
"To be honest with you Frank, i dont know. But i know i want to be with you. So this is me asking you out. Be my boyfriend." I in a million years never thought id say that, let alone to Frank. But all in all it was a dare, and this is what i had to do. Do i feel bad? of course. I want to call it off. Which i will do tomorrow. This wasnt fair to Frank. 
I do want to be with him but its so fucking complicated. He nodded and said "Okay, ill be your boyfriend."
And boy was i jammed now. 
"I want to call it off. The bet. Call it off."I told the group. 
"Why, Gerard cant do it now? Whats gotten up your butt."Bob said throwing a fry in his mouth. 
"Nothing, just call it off."i said putting my head in my hands. 
"We cant, a dare is a dare."Billie said. 
"Bull crap you cant. Its no longer a thing. This whole thing never happened."i said standing up and storming away. I had to find Frank. Everything was getting complicated. I still had to end things with Lindsey.. Oh fuck. 

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