Chapter Three: Bleeding Hearts Still Pound

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"Frank Anthony Iero, where have you been? And why didn't you tell me you weren't going to be home right after school?"my mother yelled from the kitchen right when i threw my back pack on the ground. 
"I'm a very private person. You don't ask, i don't tell."I kicked off my shoes, and ran up stairs to my bedroom. I took a deep breath, and threw myself onto my bed. When i got comfortable my phone buzzed in my pocket. 
"Hey its Brendon. Guess what!"
"What?"I said. I wonder how he got my number... 
"So, today after school i was walking home with Ryan-"he said letting a deep breath out, and inhaling more oxygen.
"-And i was like freaking out inside, but i did it!"
"Did what?"
"I asked him out!" i could hear him squealing on the receiving line. It was quite cute. 
"Oh, see i told you you can do it!" I was really happy for him. But on the other hand i was scared for him. And i know we just met, but he seemed like a cool kid, and i didn't want him to be sad. The horrible thing about real love is that there is no amount of liquor or weed to inebriate yourself with that will take them off your mind, there is no pill that will erase the memory of them. If you can forget them someone while you are intoxicated your heart was never theirs and you can move past it. The dreadful truth about real love is that you can not kill it, it is indestructible and the only thing we can really do is pretend to move on when really no matter who we are with or where we are at it will never have any comparison to loving that mad crazy love for the one person we are truly in love with. Real love lasts as long as your heart is beating. And that terrified me, because Brendon seemed like a great guy, and no I'm not saying Ryan was a bad guy, but i think he has two sides to him. Everyone has two sides to them, and eventually the not so nice side will come out of Ryan, and i don't know. I guess I'm just worried. No, its not a crush, I'm just looking out for someone, who i know would do the same thing for me. 
"Yeah, anyways... I have to go. See you tomorrow- Bye" Brendon said, still sounding breathless. 
"Frank! Over here!"called out Brendon. I looked around the cafeteria, and saw all of them sitting in the back, as usual. I let out a sigh, and hitched up my sweater and started to walk to the table. My eyes kept scanning the room, hoping to fall on the one and only, Gerard Way. Which seemed impossible, until i got to the back of the cafeteria. There he was, sitting with, who i now know, Bert, Bob, Lindsey, and of course more people. All just wanna be's of course. I sat down at the table next to Ryan, and while everyone was talking i blocked out everything, and everyone and kept my focus on Gerard. And then i see the most heart breaking thing. He kisses her. He kisses Lindsey. Well, of course he did, they're dating. I'm over reacting. We aren't even friends- at least i don't think. As I'm looking over at their table, my focus gets blurry, and its just then i realize that I'm crying. I'm actually fucking crying. Its been what? A week since I've known him- since he even knew i existed. I sniffled and wiped my tears, then pulled my hoodie's hood down further so my eyes weren't visible. You know what, fuck him. He's some snobby boy, who thinks hes cool. And for what reason?! 

"Frank"i heard someone say while shaking me slightly, pulling me out of whatever i was thinking about.
"For fucks sake, what do you want?"i snapped pulling my hoodies hood off of my head. 
"Jesus, i was just going to tell you that the bell rung."Ryan snapped back. I sighed, and watched as Sydney,Ray,Patrick,Brendon,and Ryan walked away. Pete didn't show up today. Patrick said he either had a cold, or went to the doctors. I'm not really sure, the day so far as been a huge blur.

As much as id hate to get in trouble - who am i kidding - i decided to ditch the rest of the day. I always liked going to the cafe around the corner, and since i went there often I'm known as a "regular". I go there mostly when I'm not at the cemetery, or school. Nobody from school seems to ever go there, so that is a huge plus. I'd maybe show it to Brendon, and the rest. Maybe.

When i stepped out of the cafeteria, the wind hit my face like a pillow case filled with ice. It was freezing and it looks like its about to rain. Maybe even a thunderstorm. God, i hated storms. I don't know why, something about the loud noise drives me crazy to the point i cant function properly. I start shaking, and mumbling, and all of this weird stuff. Its just crazy. 
As i saw the cafe come to view, i got a little bit more excited for the warmth the closed in space will bring to my freezing body, and i picked up my pace. 
"Hey Frank."the waiter, Sally says. The more ive gone here, the more i learn about Sally. So i guess we're pretty close. Right now shes in college, living in an apartment with a cat named Tommy. She has a tendency to try to flirt with me. I'd hate to break it to her that I'm a flamming homosexual. 
"Hey Sally."i reply, walking to my table. She takes my order, which is always the same thing; salad and water.
I look around the cafe, and my eyes fall on Gerard, and the rest of his crew. What the fuck are they doing here. No one is ever here. Deep breathes, Frank... Deep breathes... I inhaled, and exhaled the oxygen trying to consume my lungs. When my breathing decides to stabilize, i look at where they're all sitting, only to find Gerard looking at me with a grin on his face. His stupid little grin. I couldn't help but to look away right away. I felt my cheeks heat up, which can only mean one thing... I'm blushing. Fuck Frank why do you always have to blush. He just smiled at you that's all. 

-Gerard's POV- 
"Dude, i dare you to go over there!"Bob said. 
"No, Dude, even better. I dare you to ask him out!"Billie said. 
"Uh, did we forget he has a girlfriend."Lindsey budded in. 
"Yeah, Besides I'm not even into guys."I continued. 
"It was a dare, and don't worry Lindsey. It doesn't count, its a dare."Bob said, trying to defend his dare. 
"I bet you cant do it. I bet you're scared."BIllie said 
"Fine lets turn this into a bet. 20 dollars says i can get him to go on a date with me by the end of this week."i say, happy with the goal i set for myself. All though I can tell Lindsey is still taken aback by this. 
"50 dollars you cant make him say he loves you."Bob said. Bob always has to go to far with things. Always. 
"So i have to keep dating him until he says i love you?" 
"Yes, and things will fall as they may, if you catch my drift."Billie says, adding a wink. I squinted my eyes and shook my head,"Actually no, i don't catch your drift."i say also looking a bit annoyed.
"I'm saying if things get overwhelming and you guys end up sleeping together, ill pay 50 more dollars, on top of the other 70."Billie said adding a wink to the end. 
Boy was i screwed. 

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