Chapter 10:One kiss

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-Frank POV-
The days have quickly turned into weeks and today is my birthday. For the past few days Gerard has been more distant, more isolated and he doesnt sit with me anymore like he use to. Only after school he gets more sociable. Like yesterday i tried to sit with him and he looked at me and got up and left. It wasnt like him. None of this was. I really didnt put much thought into it actually. Other than him getting up and walking away. Maybe he just wasnt feeling it.
I saw Gerard quickly approaching and suddenly my stomach filled with butterflies. He got super close and i nearly scooted away. Me being able to control my flinches have been getting better. But the feeling uncomfortable is still at a high range.
"My house, after school."he whispered in my ear. Chills ran down my spin as if i havent heard his voice in ages. Like it was new, something I've never heard before. Something like a new song you fall in love with and every time you listen to it. Something like that.
I nodded my head quickly and he pecked my cheek so quickly not even i noticed until a moment after. Even more butterflies filled my stomach, and now it felt like they were all coming to come hurling out of my mouth. And- oh great. My cheeks are all warm, and that could only mean one thing... I was blushing. I could only imagine how stupid i looked.
He looked back at me and started to smile, and i gave him a nasty look and flipped him off. He only deserves it. He knows i dont like it when i blush.
The rest of the day was like any other day, shit. Same old routine. But at least i get to see Gerard after school. Thats pretty much the thing that gets me through the day... to see gerard.
Its after school and I'm patiently waiting for Gerard by the school gate. Something about earlier made me eager. I haven't been this eager since I got my guitar. And now that it's after school I can finally see why he wanted me to come over all of a sudden. It was more urgent than any other. I was actually excited. Wow, I can't remember the last time I was excited for something. Like truly excited. I knew he had something planed. Well one can only hope, right?
I saw Gerard soon after the bell rang. A smile laced on my lips as I seen him emerge from the crowd of kids in the hall.
"Hey sugar" he said starting to walk.
"Hey" I said flipping my hair out of my face. I didn't know whether holding his hand would trigger something of the past. Oh boy did I want to though. He gave me a look, saying whatever you wanted to do, do it. Yenno, that look. I couldn't gather up the courage to do it though.
Now he was walking pretty fast. My tiny legs could barely keep up.
"Why are you walking so fast!" I yelled, because he was 3 feet in front of me. He looked back and made a weird face.
"Sorry sugar, I'm excited."he said smiling making me melt a little inside.
"Excited for what?" I said curiosity taking the best of me. I knew there was something he wanted to show me. Or something he wanted to do.. Oh god. Something he wants to do. What if he.. What if he wants to do something physical, I can't do that!
"You'll see."he said with a wink
Oh god, please nothing physical.
I walked by him as we started to approach his house. He was getting faster and faster.
"Damn Gerard, I can only walk so fast." He looked back and smiled, gesturing me to hurry up. As we got to his house, he stumbled with his keys. I couldn't help but laugh. He was so excited, it was cute, okay?
"Home sweet home"he said stepping inside
"Mikey, I'm home, Frank is with me!"he shouted down the hall. I heard a door slam and feet running down the hall. Mikey was running down the hall with a book in his hand.
"look what ma got me!" He said waving the comic in front of his brothers face.
It was the new batman comic, nice.
"You're one lucky kid, Mikey."Gerard said messing up Mikey's hair.
"Oh yeah, hi Frank." He said giving me a wave.
"Hey." I said fixing my backpack so it was on my shoulder again.
"I'll be in my room with Frank okay? Knock on the door if you need anything." Gerard said walking towards his room as I followed behind.
His room looked the same, messy. Per usual. I dropped my backpack by the door and stood in the middle of his room.
"So, you going to show me why you're so excited?"I said shoving my hands in my hoodies pocket. He gave me a wild crooked smile and nodded his head.
"Close your eyes sugar."he said looking at me. I closed my eyes and heard him rumble around in his room. I hear a bell. Strange. A bell. And suddenly I feel something wrap around my neck. I almost started to freak out until he told me to relax.
"Ta-da!"Gerard says.
"Go one, open your eyes and look in the mirror." I open my eyes and walk over to the mirror to see a pink girly collar around my neck with the word 'Frankie' engraved on it. I ran my fingers over the pink lace, and stared at it for a few minutes.
"What do you you think? Do you like it?" He said smiling behind me. I strangely did like it.
"I...I like it."I said in a tone I wasn't familiar with.
"Good I'm glad! We'll be using it a lot."he said with a wink. He then wrapped his arms around me and we looked at ourselves in the mirror.
"Thanks gee."I whispered
"Anything for you." He replied.
I looked at my phone to check the time and blurred out "crap"
he looked up from his book and gave me a what look.
"It's 6 I was suppose to be home an hour ago."I said shoving my books in my backpack. He got up from the bed and followed me out. I looked at him and said, "bye"
"That's it? Just bye?"he said disappointed. What else did he want? I hugged him and our faces got super close as if we were about to kiss, and before he could make his move I moved back.
"Sorry gee, I can't."
He gave me a concerned look and nodded his head
"Not yet at least." I said.
"Well why don't you blow me a kiss before you go?"he asked
I smiled and shook my head with a smile laced on my lips and blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it and laughed. "Bye gee. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye sugar."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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