Chapter Four: Strength for the Day

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I've been focused on my salad for longer than i could count. I absolutely hate eating when there's people around, which is why i came here- because like i said, no one is ever here. 

"Hey Frankie."a voice that had to belong to Gerard said. I didn't reply. Knowing him, he came over here to mess with me or something. He took a seat on the opposite side of me. I was sitting at a booth so i heard him scoot in. He intertwined his fingers together, and placed them on the table, and started to hum a random tune. 
"What?-"I said with a little irritation in my voice, looking up at him.
"-And F-Frankie? Not even my mom calls me that."i said looking back down at my salad. I wanted to run out of here. I wanted to just disappear. The only reason why he was being nice to me when we ran into each other at the cemetery was because he was by himself, but now that his 'friends' are with him he's probably going to be a total jerk just to impress.
"Just trying to make conversation..."he says and i hear his jackets zipper run across the table as he leans across the table to whisper in my ear. 
"...And i guess that'll be my nickname for you."he whispers seductively making my lungs forget how to work properly. 
"I- uh- D-Did they put you up too this. I mean you're dating Lindsey aren't you."i mumble out- still waiting for my lungs to cooperate.
"No they didn't. And about Lindsey, she was just a girl i went to when i was feeling down."he said licking his lips. A small smirk appeared on my lips as i shook my head, disapproving of his actions. Even though that would be a 'like frank' thing to do. 
"You know how big of a jerk that makes you sound."I said with a small laugh. He smiled a little and shrugged. 
"Frank, do you want to go to the park around the corner for a while?"He asks, looking at me with those goddamn eyes.  I swear his eyes could pierce my skin like needles. 

And its the strangest thing in the world, because I've been hearing my name for 15 goddamn years, and he made it sound like it was worth something. And its like i promised my mom id never get involved with drugs, but goddamn it that promise broke the first fucking time i heard him laugh or when i saw him smile. Because his smile could end all of the fucking wars, and his laugh could save lives.

I said nothing but got up, paid for my salad,and smiled, waiting for him to get up. 
"Are we going or what?"I finally asked, sticking my hands in my pocket, with a smirk growing on my face. He nodded his head, and stood up. 
We walked to the park in silence. It was really awkward to me. I mean, I'm a few weeks new, and all of a sudden the most popular kid in school decides to take interest in me? See, that just doesn't add up. 

It was freezing outside, so i took out a cigarette, and lit it hoping it would warm me up, even if it did just a little bit. 

"why do you always smoke. Its like the cigarette is attached to your lips. Every time i see you, you have a cigarette in your mouth."Gerard asked as we made our way to the swings.
"To get over one addiction, you have to become addicted to something else."I said taking a drag.
"What where you addicted to before?"he asked hesitantly.Like he knew slightly- but didn't want to push it. Like it wasn't his room to know. I didn't know quite how to tell him. Whether to come all out or not. It would probably be better if i didn't. 
"That could be a story for another time."i said with a small smirk. 

I took a seat on the swing. Swings have always been my favorite. He took a seat on the swing next to mine and i started to swing, slightly moving, but not so that i was in the air. I took another drag of my cigarette, looking at Gerard, as he looked at me too.
"Was that awkward eye contact, or were we checking each other out."I said after a long period of silence, trying to sound cheeky. He licked him lips, and smiled.
"Whatever you want it to be."He said, causing my cheeks to heat up slightly. Its hard to believe how one person can mean so much even when you've talked for so little time. They make you feel so special.

"You have a sister right? Her names Morgan."he asked kicking his feet slightly. 
"Step- And how'd you know?"
"Mikey. I'm pretty sure they're friends. He talks about her a lot.-"he said, grabbing my cigarette out of my hand, and takes a drag. 
"-I'm also pretty sure he's been to your house before."he continues taking a few more drags, and hands me the cigarette back. 
"Oh, is he the kid with, like rectangular glasses that are always at the tip of his nose?"i asked putting out the stub of what was left of the cigarette, and lighting a new one. He giggled a little and nodded his head. 
"Yup, that's him."
"My god, how can he talk to her, let alone be in the same room with her for more than 5 minutes!?"i asked sounding a bit dramatic, but in all honesty, its the truth. Shes a spoiled little brat. He giggled and shrugged. 
"I don't know. Mikey says shes a really cool person."he said grabbing my cigarette again. Normally i would never share my cigarettes... well anything in general that involved another persons saliva to be all over it. But i don't know, i didn't really care with him. The way he smoked was like art. The way the smoke danced out of his mouth into the air, disappearing soon after. I wouldn't mind seeing him smoke all day to be completely honest. Though, that would be horrible for your lungs.
"Why, you don't like her?"he asked after the third drag. 
"Fuck no- she loves to complain. And oh, her all time favorite thing to do is to play this game called 'what can i do to piss off frank.' She will do absolutely anything in her power to piss me off, or to get me in trouble."i said rolling my eyes. He let out a tiny giggle and finished off my cigarette. 
"Like this one time, she decided it would be a great idea to spill water all over my comic books. And this other time she went into my room while i wasn't home, and fucking cut off my guitar strings."
"You read comic books and play guitar?"he asked looking at me with a small grin on his face. I probably sound like a huge geek right now. I could feel my cheeks heat up. 
"Yeah..."i said fixing my eyes on the tan bark. 
"That's awesome. I do too. Well except guitar. I suck at it. One time i was in this band, and i got kicked out because i couldn't play 'Sweet home Alabama' correctly. And i kinda sing, i guess."he said laughing a little when he got to the part saying he got kicked out of the band. I did too. I have to admit, that's kind of ridiculous. 
"Want to hang out tomorrow? Come to my house?"He asked suddenly. 
"You can meet Mikey properly"He continued sounding a little more excited.
"What about your friends. You do remember when that Bob guy called me a faggot and punched me in the nose, don't you?" His face expression changed real fast from happy, to a pleading face. 
"Oh, yeah... Sorry about that... And don't worry about them, it'll only be me, you, and Mikey." 
"Uh, um... Okay i guess." i wasn't quite sure if this was a whole game or not. I just think its strange. Then again, i don't really have a lot of friends. Really only Brendon. So i guess this is how you make friends, i guess.
"Okay, great. After school tomorrow.- Here, give me your phone."he said putting his hand in front of my body. I glanced at his hand, trying not to freak out. I pulled out my phone and gave it to him as fast as i could. 
"Okay, i put in my phone number, i'll text you later." He got up from the swing and pushed some hair behind his ear. 
"Bye Frankie."he said with a wink and walked away towards his house, I'm assuming. 
So i guess I'm going to Gerard's house tomorrow...

so far i like the story i don't know about you guys. And its weird because i usually don't like my stories. Anyways, lets see what happens at Gerard's tomorrow asdfghjkjhgfsa. Oh and btw its been a few weeks since school has started so its October, okay.

i dedicate this chapter to @geenglebells ily 

Happy Holidays. 

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