chapter 8: If Today was Your Last

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"What's wrong?"Gerard asked, curiosity in his eyes, and tone.

"It's Brendon, something's wrong with Ryan."


"Frank! Frank!"Brendon yelled out with pain in his tone. He truly looked like a wreck and all i can do is feel sorry for him. I wish there was more i could do, i feel helpless in this situation. I rushed to meet him in the middle of the cold hospital waiting room.

"Brendon, are you okay? Whats happened?"I asked with tears starting to form in my eyes. Gerard was speechless, he just kept to himself with worry plastered on his face.

"I...I don't know Frank, it was so scary... we were watching a movie and he...he just started shaking and all of a sudden a bloody nose. He was perfectly fine, frank."He sobbed, throwing himself onto the waiting rooms chairs with his head in his hands. I looked around the waiting room trying to spot his parents. But no one but a few more strangers were here.

"Where is Ryans parents?"i asked taking a seat next to Brendon. I took a deep breath and tried to reach out to hold his hand but all i could do was pat his leg a few times without getting uncomfortable.

"They-they're on their way, i called them before you. I don't know whats taking them so long."Brendon sniffled out. I nodded and looked at Gerard who was staring at his nails, chipping off the remainder of black nail polish that was left. Everything was numb in my body, i could only imagine what Brendon was feeling.

Hours past by as we waited in silence for something to happen, for his mother to show up.

"My baby, wheres my baby?"a women screamed out as she ran towards the waiting room. Sure enough it was Ryans mother. Brendon stood up and ran to his mother.

"Mrs.Ross, he... he just started shaking there was nothing i could do." They embraced in a hug shortly after. Mrs.Ross was never the one to accept her son with Brendon, but at this point it seemed she didn't care. They were hand in hand, sitting, waiting for the doctor. As were me and Gerard. I worked up the courage to reach over and touch Gerards hand. I don't think i could do much than touching for a few second. Everything started to sweat, my hands, my forehead, even my stomach. Could this be the time i finally have physical touch longer than a few seconds? I took a deep breath, in my nose out my mouth. And before i could grab his hand he grabbed mine. My stomach started to back flips, and although it was freezing in the waiting room, it seemed to warm up just as our finger touch.

"Mrs.Ross."a doctor appeared. As she heard her name be called, she shot up from her seat.

"Y-yes, I'm Mrs.Ross."She said rushing over to the doctor on the other side of the room. We watched every second as the doctor told her the news. It was like slow motion, her breaking down. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Brendon rushed over to comfort her. But even he wasn't in the state to be able to comfort. He was just as much devastated as her. When he was told the news, he slowly walked back to us, as tears ran down his red cheeks.
"Ryan... He uh, he has cancer... Its, uh... brain cancer."He said trying to control the sobs. I looked at Gerard and his face was white. More so than what it already is. We were speechless.
"When... when will he be out?"i asked staring at the ground.
"Today, in a few hours." It was already midnight. I looked at Gerard and he nodded giving me the 'its good, we can stay' look.
"We'll stay."
It was around 3 am when they finally released Ryan. He looked like a complete wreck, comparison to the rest of us with his brown hair every which way, and his heavy looking dark brown eyes seeming to be weighing him down. I shook Brendon to wake him up and his eyes lit up as he seen Ryan walking over to us.
"Baby!"Brendon called waking Gerard and Mrs.Ross up. Gerard stretched, yawned and got up to greet Ryan back. Ryan looked at him with confusion and then at me. I smiled and got up too, and we all embraced him in a hug.
"I have to come back in a few days..."he says with a tear falling down his cheek. No one said anything but looked at him, we didn't know how to say anything at the moment. Not even Gerard, and that's surprising because he always has something to say.
"Look."i said.
"Its going to be so fucking tough, and there's times where you're going to just want to quit. But its important you keep strong to yourself and live everyday like its your last."i continued and hesitantly patted him on the back.
"I think when i say this, it comes from all of us, but no matter what happens, we have faith in you and we believe you can beat this."Brendon said plating a kiss on Ryans cheek. I checked my phone and had 13 missed calls from my mom.
"Crap."i mumbled under my breath.
"What?"Gerard asked taking a hold of my hand. And this time i barely flinched.
"My mom, she called a billion times. I really need to go." I gave them all apologizing looks.
"Sorry guys, i love you all. Call me tomorrow and we can all do something."i said waving bye. Gerard stayed quiet and followed me through the freezing hospital.
"Sorry our date ended up at a hospital."I tell him as i get into the car.
"Hey,"he said grabbing my attention.
"Still one of the best dates ive been on"he continued licking his lips at the end and pushing his hair back.
"Now, lets get you home."
The car ride was quiet, i think all the chaos had finally gotten to us. I turned my attention to Gerard, who had full attention to the road. And i think the most scariest part of this, is that i think im actually falling for him. Not love, i generally believe im not capable of love anymore, but liking him... I think i actually like him. Once we got to my house, he got out and walked me to my door.
"Thank you for tonight."he said grabbing my hand. I smiled and nodded.
"Well... I should get going now."he said letting go of my hand and started walking back to his car.
"Wait... Gerard..."i said grabbing his attention.
"Will you stay with me? For tonight."it was probably the stupidest thing i couldve asked but i didn't want to be alone. Not tonight, after everything. He didn't say anything for a few minutes. Just stared at me, trying to collect his thoughts i think. He smiled and nodded. I returned the smile and unlocked the front door.
"Be quiet, everyone is asleep."i whispered. This was going to be hard. Frank you don't think anything through. Why would you invite him to stay the night? You're just going to be up all night. But i didn't want to be alone.
He followed quietly behind me until we made it to my room.
"I feel selfish,but uh can you sleep on the floor?"
"Yeah sure, no problem." i smiled and threw some blankets on the floor with a pillow.
"Thank you Gerard."
"Anytime Frankie."


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