Chapter One: Heart without a beat

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You know how everyone says, "Treat others how you want to be treated?" well i find that total bull crap. Everywhere i go, taunts get thrown at me like i were a fucking trash can. All i ever do is be nice, but it doesn't do any good. So fuck it. I wont try anymore - not that i ever did. Its all crap. Everything is. Not to mention my mom is making me transfer schools, for the starting of Sophomore year just because she thinks it'll help. Nothing will help. I wrote what i wrote - well because its going to happen. No matter what anyone tries or does, its going to happen. Making me transfer schools wont do anything other than make me lag more. Though i was picked on, Pencey Prep was - and will always be a better school than Belleville High. 

Pencey Prep let us wear anything we wanted to - as for Belleville High, oh no. That's a whole different situation. No eyeliner - sure as hell I'm not doing that. Piercings out - again, nope. Wear your tie properly. Wear your proper shirt, and school trousers. Proper shoes. And lastly, no gloves. I diffidently wasn't going to listen to half of that. Okay, maybe I'll wear my tie and shirt. But the rest - no. I'll stick to my black skinny jeans and sneakers - thank you very much. So what if i get detention. Big whoop. Its not like i didn't get it all the time at Pencey. 

Back to my mother making me change schools. She says its all for the best, but i believe that, that's total bullshit. She only wants me to so it doesn't ruin her reputation, along with my Step-Fathers. - Right after my Dad passed, she quickly remarried... To a rich bastard. He's always on my case about not spending time as a family, or being out to much/ to long, or being locked up in my room, or even spending time with my overly spoiled step-sister, as if i had similar interests with a Jr. Highschooler. I'm actually not even surprised that my Mother agreed with him, adding in more nagging pieces - and to stop smoking or staying out past curfew. And i know that's not even the beginning. All together they pick out every single thing that's wrong with me - or what I'm doing wrong - or what i shouldn't be doing. For an example: I shouldn't be dying my hair. I know it kills it, but its my decision. Or I shouldn't be allowed to cut my hair without approval.
I personally love how its styled right now. I have one half shaved, and bangs falling into my face. The shaved part a bleached blonde, and my unshaven side my natural black hair color. 

Everything all together is making me dread starting Belleville. Not only because of the strict dress code, but because everyone is this whinny little twat. And me being the new kid, that doesn't exactly follow the dress code, i know I'm going to be an easy target - I mean i dont exactly care, but i also care all together - If that makes any sense. 


"What did i tell you Mr.Iero."The Principle said, pulling me to the corner. I put my finger to my chin and started to tap it as if i were thinking of the correct answer. 

"Hmm, I'm honestly stumped, Sir." i said dropping my hand to my side as it first was. He made a grunting sound and put his fingers on his temples and started massaging them. 

"No piercings, no eyeliner, wear your tie properly, Wear your proper shirt, and school trousers, and lastly, no gloves. I thought i made myself very clear the first time i told you." I just shrugged looking everywhere but at him. 
"Whats the point, when you know I'm just going to ignore you?"I said sullenly. He only frowned further. 
"Fine, if you come dressed like this tomorrow, then you'll get detention. Understand?"
"Yes, Sir."i said with my lips threatening a smile to appear any second.  
He sighed and said, "Good. Now get to class."

I already hated this place. In my opinion this school is more like a prison. - We are all forced to wear the same thing, same routine every day, and the cafeteria food is crap. 

I walked through the halls looking at my schedule. English first period, which i was already 10 minutes late to. I let out a long sigh, and made my way towards, what i like to call insanity. 
"I see you finally made yourself presence to this class, Mr. Iero."the snobby looking teacher said, causing all the other kids heads to snap around. I just stood there with my hands in my hoodies pocket. 
"Grab a seat by Mr.Stump please."she said, pointing to were a kid sat, with his head pressed down on his table. I readjusted my backpack on my shoulder and walked over to my desk. 
"Hey."I said plopping down on my chair. He lifted his head up and smiled. Okay then... As i started to get my notepad out, i felt something/someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and seen a kid with brown hair, passing me a note. It read: 'Patrick doesn't really talk all of the time. He's been down lately...' 
Just as i finished reading it, he tapped my shoulder again, handing me another note. 
'By the way, the names Brendon, Brendon Urie. Come eat with me at lunch. I'll introduce you to my friends.' I smiled and turned back around to face him again. I gave him a smile and a thumbs up. I wouldn't have agreed originally, but Brendon seemed like a cool kid, so why not?


Right when i walked in, i spotted Brendon, Patrick, and some other people. I guess Brendon did too, because he called me over. I put my hands back in my hoodies pocket and made my way towards the lunch table. I greeted them with a smile and sat down on the opposite side of Brendon. Brendon returned the smile, and cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of his five other friends. 
"Guys-"he said placing a hand on my shoulder. "- This is Frank Iero, the new kid." He pointed everyone out, saying their name. 
"That's Ryan Ross- That's Pete Wentz- That's Ray Toro- That's Sydney Thoemke- And you already know who Patrick, and myself is." I waved at them again, and they waved back, and started eating again. Well apart from Sydney and Ray. They - well they were sucking each other faces off. 
"I take it they're dating."i  whispered to Brendon. He turned his head, looking at Sydney and Ray, and started laughing. 
"Yeah, since Freshman year, they're pretty serious now."he said whispering back. 
"Are you dating anyone?"i said turning my attention towards him. He cocked an eyebrow up and said,"If i didn't know any better, i'd think you were trying to flirt with me."he said with a little chuckle. I rolled my eyes and sighed. 
"In your dreams"i said with a wink. 
He shook his head, laughing and said, "I have my eye on someone..." gazing at Ryan. 
"Go for it."
"What- oh, no... I could never." 
"Of course you ca-" I would have finished my sentence, but before i could, in came this guy. Tall, skinny, hazel eyes. He has beautiful eyes, the kind you'd get lost in, and messy, but neat, greasy like hair. It looks like as if it hadn't been washed in a few days, yet fell tragically across his pale skin. He is beautiful. But god I've always been a sucker for beautiful things- and i guess that's why i couldn't resist the laughter in his eyes, or the pretty curve of his mouth. And all i could do was scream in my head saying,' Look at me look at me look at me- I exist i exist i exist i exist.' I felt it was impossible to tear my eyes off of him. Inspecting every detail- crevice on his face. Well as much as i could see- I'm sitting in the back of the cafeteria. And i hadn't even noticed him and this, rather larger guy,  walking towards our table. 

"Added  another Faggot to the group i see."The larger guy said. 
Faggot, i hate that word. It made me cringe whenever someone said it. 
I made eye contact with the slimmer, beautiful guy for minutes on end with Brendon defending me some how, roiling up a fight. I just met the guy and hes already, ready to start something with people who pick on me. The guy didn't look away, and neither did i, until i got punched in the face. 
"What the fuck!?"i yelled clutching my wounded nose. 
"Stop gaping at Gerard. He's not some faggot like you."the larger guy said. So his name is Gerard. G- e- r- a- r- d. A unique name that just rolled off my tongue, though i wish would imprint in my brain making it hard not to slip out of my mouth with out warning. 

I just smiled and let out a small laugh. "Right, I'm the faggot." 
"That's right you are. Now wipe that smug look off your face."
"Or what? You and your friend are going to beat me up?"i said with what i can tell was my amused face. I crossed my arms, and sat back down on the cafeteria seat. 
"Frank- stop, don't push it."Ryan said placing his hand on my shoulder. 
"Yeah Frank, stop. Wouldn't want you to get hurt now would we?"the guy said, Gerard still not saying anything but staring at me. 
"Bob- Lets go."He finally said, turning to face, the larger guy, Bob. Bob glared, then made a grunting noise, and obeyed Gerard's command. 
"Who-"Was all i got out before Sydney answered all of my questions. 
"The tall, skinny guys name is Gerard. Hes a Senior. He has a brother who is a Freshman, his name is Mikey Way. Gerard is one of the popular people around here, along with Bob. Gerard is dating this girl whose name is Lindsey Ballato. Shes in a rock band, and plays bass. I use to be best friends with her before she turned into such a bitch." She also told me about Bob, but i was zoning out. All i cared about was Gerard Way. 

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'M SURE THERE ARE MISTAKES, MY BAD. I'M NOT ALWAYS GOING TO DEDICATE CHAPTERS- BUT I DEDICATE THIS CHAPTER TO MY BABE @LEATHERMCUTH BC WHAT A BABE.

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