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"Why don't we do this, Griffin, Tim , Terence, Parker and me go ahead and kill all the walkers and clear out the little amount of walkers, inside this psychiatric hospital I have a feeling was the one that closed down a couple years before this zombie apocalypse took place," Said Dave. "Lets do it, bring my bolt cutters" said Tim "If Dante and Duncan are not back by the time we're done me Griffin and Dave will look for them" said Desmond. Griffin grabbed his AK-47 and all the ammo for it and Tim grabbed his katana and Bolt cutters and all the rest of them grabbed pistols and Uzis and all the ammo for them and left. Tim then cut the fence with his bolt cutters and everyone else went through. But as soon as they got through indecent around behind the cellblock of the hospital there was a swarm of about 100 walkers in different directions. The group was shooting their guns while Tim was slicing a bunch of walkers in half and his sword got jammed for a second in one of the Walkers head and Tim was surrounded by walkers. But the rest of the group was shooting down as many walkers as they could they could not do anything and the Walker's nearly tackled him and ate him alive. Then when the group killed those walkers Desmond opened up the cell block door and there were hundreds and hundreds of walkers inside swarming out. " get back now! Shoot them from a safe distance or something!" Said Griffin. They fired their fire arms repeatedly and repeatedly and repeatedly trying their best not to let the walkers get closer. Taking head shot after head shot it seemed there were more and more coming. "Stay here ill be right back" said Griffin "I have an idea!" "Hurry they are getting closer!" said parker. Griffin then ran to unlock the gate and he opened it and screamed " back up through the fence and get behind the door immediately so you will be protected by the the door!" Then the group backed up and went behind the door and behind them was the wall chain link fence and while they were there Griffin ran as many of the walkers into the woods trying his best to save to save his comrades.

"Where'd Griffin go? he's been gone for 20 minutes or more?" Asked Terence "I don't know, I cant hold them off much longer" said Parker " He better come back soon. We better figure out what to do" said Dave. Then just as he said that they heard yelling sounds of pain and suffering from the direction Griffin went in.

Desmond then managed to slip his pistol into grasp and put the gun in one walkers mouth and shot 3 times Bam! Bam! Bam! killing that one walker and the 2 behind it. Then he managed to run from behind the gate and takes the Uzi out and fires shot after shot continuously. All the walkers that were against the gate dead by the time he ran out of ammo. But then before he could re load he noticed there were more coming from behind him and fell to the ground when he tried to turn around with walkers piling on top of him one be one barely holding them off with the little bit of energy he had left with no ammo. Then right before he gave up and was going to differ the same fate as Tim he heard Bam! bam! bam! Before he knew what had happened the walkers were dead. When Desmond looked it was Griffin!

When Griffin Killed them all he helped Desmond up and began shooting the walkers and killed them all. "Were done?" said Desmond. "Yep, we're done" said Griffin. "Now let's see if Duncan and Dante came back yet" said Dave, and off they went.

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