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Current Location: wall maria, shiganshina district

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Current Location: wall maria, shiganshina district.        Current year: 845.
Current Status: alive.
Current possession: none.


Blinking your eyes open, you got up from the cozy spot you managed to find in some trashed clothing and stretched after the long slumber you were in.

Looking at the sky, you could tell that it was the middle of the day. The sun piercing through the center of the blue painted atmosphere is what woke you up after all.

Deciding that it was time to hunt for some food, you jumped down the temporary home you made and went looking for something to eat.

Despite being only a month old, you somehow managed to survive on your own since your mother most likely died some tragic way when you were a baby kitten along with your siblings if you had any.

You have been on your own ever since you can remember...

Actually... no... you remember being taken in by some guy. It lasted for about a week. But, one day he just wouldn't move...

no matter how hard you tried to meow, he just wouldn't wake up...

Food in that shelter had eventually gone bad to the point where you knew you had to go on by yourself.
And so there you are now.

You were quite well known amongst the shop owners of the shiganshina district, mainly because of the furr pattern that couldn't be mistaken. You were an all black cat with one white spot right over where your heart would be.

What a coincidence

Though your looks weren't the only special thing about you. You could somehow understand what those people are saying. That's what they believe, at least.

No, you can't understand the human language, but you just know what they mean by looking at them.

After a short walk, you made it to the market. Even though you don't know that's what it is called nor do you know what is its purpose, and if you were being honest, you don't care.

All you care about is the fact that it has plenty of food that you can bring to a nice, safe place in which you would stay in for a couple of days.

" hey look, it's that cat again" you hear someone shout, you knew he was talking about you because his finger was pointing towards your direction.

You meowed while walking up to him, hoping he was one of the kinder ones that you didn't have to fight with for food.

Luckily, he smiled and waved his hand from left to right repeatedly which you established was some sort of greeting. You meowed again in an attempt to greet him back and began to rub all over his leg.

He understood what you were getting at and went behind the barstool of his shop while laughing " alright alright, I'll give you a little something to feed on. but you have to wait a little, I don't want to give you something raw"

You got that he was telling you to settle down until the food was ready. So you jumped on the bar and sat down quietly.

" wow, you really are one of a kind" he exclaimed while resisting the urge to pet you for health and sanitary reasons.

After some time, he placed a little plate in the floor with a " there you go buddy" and you got down to happily consume it with a loud meow as a thank you.

You finished the pieces of meat which were rather delicious and walked to the kind man brushing up on his leg once again as sign of your gratitude.

Walking out of the shop, your walk was interrupted from time to time by people wanting to pet you, children wanting to play, a kind old lady who gave you some water to drink and some people walking into the walls from the outside...

The latter happens often and by now you figured out that these people were important, so out of curiosity you sit and watch every time they go out and come in.



This is weird.

You were currently on top of a roof of a house that pretty close to the wall watching life as it comes and goes. Normally, you would have been asleep. But today, something tell you that you shouldn't sleep now. Some sort of sixth sense has you looking out for any suspicious activity. The sun was beginning to set, and the more it went down the more this weird feeling increased.


Danger is coming.


Oooh our little kitty can sense something ✨

So how liking it so far?

Hopefully you see the vision 👁️

What name would you like to give the little feline?

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