just like five years ago

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_______ AT KYU'S HOUSE.

Life is going great...

It has been approximately five years since the angel whose name turned out to be Kyusei Shu took you in.

That's right, five whole years.

That meant that you were a grown five year old cat.

You still helped with the shop by attracting customers and practically manipulating them to buy something.

Is it perhaps a bit inhumane? ... yes.

But you're not human so...

Plus it's working and kyu haven't had to worry about rent since you arrived.

Speaking of, you still had to deal with that awful, annoying, asshat piece of shit of a landlord. And the dumb fuck still believes that kyu got rid of you that day.

Although you've wanted to pounce on the pathetic excuse of a man and rip his face off more than once, you can't. So for the sake of your caretaker, you always hide whenever those two interact.

But other than the occasional interruption from the angry man, life has been treating you and Kyu fairly well.

Sure things weren't perfect, but they weren't bad either.

They were good.

Life was good.

___________________ KYUSEI SHU'S HOUSE

Blinking your eyes open, you got up from the cozy spot you managed to find in your owner's pile of dirty clothes which he has yet to clean.

Looking at the sky, you can tell that it was late morning, the sun that was angled a few degrees from the center is what woke you up after all.

This meant that Kyu was going to go to work alongside you in no more than a few minutes.

As if on cue, you heard Kyu stirring pots and pans in the kitchen. Deciding that it was time to eat something, you got up from your spot and made your way to the kitchen.

Being four years old now, it's safe to say that you got way better at hunting and following your instincts.

Plus, you're not on your own anymore.

Kyu was a great person. He didn't treat you like you were just some stupid pet. He treated you like you were a person too.

Which is kind of funny since it's obvious which one of the two options you actually were.

The future of Humanity is at your paws (attack on titan x feline reader)Where stories live. Discover now