A new beginning.

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Current Location: Wall rose, Trost district

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Current Location: Wall rose, Trost district.
Current year: 845.
Current status: alive, injuries healed.
Current possession none.


Kick ... kick

You were being kicked to the ground right now.

And it hurt like a bitch.

You might be asking, what the fuck happened for us to be in this situation right now?

Well, let's rewind to where it all started...

It's been about a few months since your disparture with the three preteens, you were walking around with no destination.

It turns out, the people here aren't as nice as the people in the place you used to roam. It's a lot harder to persuade shop owners to give you any food, let alone meat.

By eavesdropping on their conversations, you managed to figure out that it was because of the wall being breached and people from the area that survived the incident moving here causing a food crisis or something.

But truth be told.. You coldn't give less of a fuck about these human problems. 

So you had to take matters into your own hands; or in this case paws, and just snatch anything that looked even remotely edible. Even if it was the most disgusting tasting shit you can imagine, it was still food, and you weren't in a situation to be picky with what you eat, since you didn't know when that was going to happen. 

Playing into that plan, you started to attack any store owner that walked into your lane of sight in hopes of them dropping something you can steal.

it's not like you hurt them or anything, you just jump on them so they let go of whatever they were holding and if it's food you take it. and they eventually let the situaion go and not think anything of it.

You also had to eat whatever you had on you almost immediately since the cats in this part of the walls weren't that nice either.

And so that's how you managed to survive this long in your new area of living.

But that doesn't explain why these shitheads were torturing you like this.

Well you see, you were doing what you did everyday for the past couple of months to get something to fill up your empty stomach. However, the people that you jumped on and scared weren't willing to just let it go.

Oh no.

They chased you all the way to this alleyway; which is really far away from where you first started to run, until you got tired and they managed to trap you into a corner and now they're beating the shit out of you.

The future of Humanity is at your paws (attack on titan x feline reader)Where stories live. Discover now