Run for you life

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Current Location: Wall Maria, shiganshina district

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Current Location: Wall Maria, shiganshina district.
Current Year: 845.
Current Status: alive.
Current possession: none.



There has been a few guesses on what you would have been doing by this time today... but running from giant creatures while dodging boulders was not one of them.

You didn't even know where you were running to if you were being honest, you were just trying to find a place you can hide in for the time being so you can rest a little and make up a plan of some sort.

Finally, you spotted an opening in the remains of a house that got crushed.

You managed to get in with no harm; excluding the ache in your limbs from running, but you can't let it get to you, you aren't safe yet.

How did this even happen?

I mean, one moment you were dozing off on a rooftop, and the next you were running like your life depended on it...

Well it quite literally did ...

Suddenly , a bolder fell right on top of where you were, snapping you from you train of thought.

Luckily, you managed to avoid most of it only getting some scratches from splinters.

Still hurts though.

Taking a look around you, you figured out where people were running off to. So with all the might you have left you ran.

You ran without looking back.

You ran without even flinching at the sound of a woman being eaten, or the screams of her son and daughter being held back by someone.

You didn't know what you were feeling at the moment. Some would say it was fear, but you've never been afraid like this.


Yeah, maybe that was it.

Because the way your heart was racing so much that if it was running with you it would have left you far behind.

The way that you weren't feeling an ounce of pain even thought the small pieces of wood and concrete that were inserted into your body were moving in and out of the wounds with every movement you made.

The way you were hanging on the small thread of hope that you were going to make it.

The way you don't even remember getting on this boat .


A boat?

Since when were you here?

Since when did you stop running?

And suddenly everything crashed into itself.

The pain in your limbs made itself known all at once and the exhaustion from Sprinting came along as well.

Letting out a small cry out of all the voice you can muster, your body hit the cold hard ground, and the last thing you remember was a blonde boy picking you up with a face of worry.


Little kitty already going thru it ✋😔

But we made it y'all 😜🎉

We might be a cat be we ain't the pussy in this story 🐱

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