the aftermath

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Current Location: wall rose, Trost district

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Current Location: wall rose, Trost district.
Current year: 845.
Current status: alive, injured.
Current possession: none.


Breathe in.

The sensation of the oxygen entering your lungs is the only way you know you're still alive. Or perhaps that's just an allusion.
An allusion your soul has set for you so you don't panic when you realize you're dead.

Hold your breath.

No... You're definitely alive. Not well, but alive none the less. You know that because between inhaling and exhaling there is this brief moment of silence that makes you able to hear your faint heartbeat.

Breathe out.

Oh and you can also feel your Muscles aching with each breath. It's more annoying than painful to be honest.
The only reason you're tolerating it is because you feel something else... Something soothing.. it's like something... Someone is touching you.

Someone is touching you.

Oh fuck no.

Jolting yourself to consciousness you jumped out of the reach of whoever was stroking your fur hissing to hopefully scare them away.

"H-hey.. it's okay .. I'm not g-gonna hurt you, I promise" a ten year old blond boy spoke softly towards the kitten while putting his hands in the air to show that he has nothing but good intentions.

Giving the terrified cat a second to calm down. The boy continued reassuring it that everything was fine now hoping that it would somehow understand him

And as if some higher power was listening to the blond, the cat stopped hissing and started slowly walking towards him.

Sniff sniff...

The cat understood what the boy was saying, it just didn't believe him.. not completely at least.

Slowly.. step by step.. until the feline reached his hand and sniffed it ..


Maybe putting up with whoever this is won't hurt for now.

"Hey Armin!" A loud voice can be heard from behind the duo causing the cat to get scared and hide behind who was assumed to be Armin.

"Hey, it's okay" Armin reassured " these are my friends" he said while pointing to a brunette and ravenette boy and girl who were the same age as him.

"We brought some food" the girl said in a hushed voice... " And Eren got into a fight"

Of course, thought the blond.

"Mikasa! Stop getting in the way of my problems you're not my mom" eren yelled at Mikasa and the entire walls in the process.

The future of Humanity is at your paws (attack on titan x feline reader)Where stories live. Discover now