Chapter 30 - Andrew

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When we get home, I contemplate whether I should give Emma her father's letter or not. The thought does my head in because it's a hard decision to make and I could very much ruin this lovely moment we're both living in.

That being said, I don't want to start this new chapter of our lives on lies and secrets. Emma deserves to know the truth and she deserves to never have a thing kept from her. She's already living in a world of secrets, she doesn't need any more.

"There's something you should know," I tell her.

Her eyes go wide as she puts the kettle down and turns to face me. "Is something wrong?"

I shake my head. "No, darling," I say as I walk up to her and give her hand a squeeze. I gently pull her towards our bedroom and pull the letter out from under the mattress. "I think you should read this."

"What is it?" She asks as she reaches for the letter.

"It's a letter from your dad that he wrote me. He gave it to Gabby when we came back."

Emma nods before taking a deep breath and opening the letter. She takes a long time to read it and I notice the tears build up around her eyes but not a single one leaks down.

She clears her throat, drops the letter on the bedside table and throws her arms around me. I immediately hold her and run my hand up and down her back in hopes that it gives her a little comfort.

I pull back and plant a quick kiss on her lips. "You okay?"

She nods.

"What would you like to do? Do you want to see him?"

Emma shakes her head. "No, I'm not ready to forgive him. I mean he cheated and lied and I've missed my whole life on knowing my real mother and the mother who I thought was my real mother has been avoiding me, keeping me distant like she's okay with throwing years and years of a relationship with me out the window. But you know what hurts the worst. He kidnapped me, my own father. I don't even know if I could ever forgive him for that."

I nod because I get it. If I was in her place, I'd most likely be going through the same emotions.

"Come," I say. "Let me make us tea and we can focus on the good stuff."

Emma follows me out of the bedroom and into the kitchen and smiles when I put the kettle on.

"What?" I say.

"Nothing," she whispers. "I just like this. It's nice and cosy and we feel like a family."

That makes me smile. That's what I wanted. That's what my parents had.

When the kettle is done, I take out two mugs and place a teabag in each. I fill them both with water and we take our mugs to sit on the sofa.

Emma had a massive grin on her face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I ask.

"You're a great mechanic," she says.

"Thanks, I guess," I respond in confusion because I don't know where she's going with this.

"So you should start your own garage."

I smile, I love how much she thinks about me. "I would but unfortunately I don't even having savings to get that started."

Then my heart sinks.

I don't have savings or real money, enough to even take care of her. When it was just me, I somehow was able to survive, even if it wasn't in good conditions but I cannot put her through that.

"Why are you frowning?" She asks.

"Emma, I love you and you know that right. I know I've proposed but I've just got a reality check on the kind of life I will put you through if you're married to me. I barely manage myself, how can I put you through that. I've skipped meals before. I cannot do that to my wife."

Emma scoots over to me until our thighs are touching. She places a hand on my knee. "The kind of life you will put me through? What, happiness and one full of love."

I shake my head. "I'm broke, baby."

She shakes your head. "No, you're not. When we get married. It won't be you and me. It'll be us. It'll no longer be your money or mine, it'll be ours. Our bank account has plenty and the first thing we'll do is start up your own garage and then touch up this house a little."

I frown. "That's your money babe, and I cannot put your through that."

"No," she says more firmly. "What did I just say. It's ours. We're a team. No more going solo. You will start that damn garage and we will also fix up the house. We will turn it into our home and create the same love and space your parents did. We will be our own team and our own family. Trust me."

She's too good for me and I will dread the day she realises. I pull her onto my lap and kiss her. Emma giggles like a free spirit and kisses me back more intensely. Her hands run up and down my back before she reaches for the bottom of my t-shirt.

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