Chapter 9 - Emma

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I wrap my legs around his. I know Andrew might think it's weird but I'm straight forward, I for the most part say what's on my mind, or do what's on my mind.

I stare at the stars Andrew pointed at before. His parents. I smile. I hope they think I'm good enough for him. Someone should, because I know my parents won't be too pleased with him. They won't see his good heart and his amazing personality. They'll see the size of his wallet.

"My parents would've loved you," he says.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek and I'm pretty sure it lands on Andrew's shirt. He probably sensed it but doesn't say a word. "I'm glad you think so. I would've loved to met your parents."

Andrew gives my hand a squeeze. "You are," he says. "Right now."

I smile. I don't know how I feel so at peace with him. I don't feel like this with anyone. Not even my parents. The detachment they have with everyone is starting to become clear to me. They forget grandma even exists. Even mum, how could she forget her own mother. The more I spend in Algard, the more attached I feel to the place and its people. Grandma included. Grandma is good. Don't know why father always used to say that she was no good. That she never appreciated my mother's love for my father.

A gush of wind forces me to squeeze tighter against Andrew's warm body. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer. "I haven't brought anyone here before."

I grin at him. "I'm glad I'm the first."

I was supposed to be here just for the summer. It was supposed to be boring and I would have wanted to gone back to Williams Square. The three months would've been over and I would've gone back home with my parents and forgotten this place existed.

I can't do that for some odd reason. I can't seem to get over the fact that I've only been here for just three weeks and I'm already so heavily consumed by the town than I ever was by Williams Square.

Andrew watches me. "You okay?"

I feel like I should tell him I'm only here for three months. I mean I still haven't told him that. All he knows is I've moved in with my grandma. That's it.

I nod trying to hide the pain I'll feel when I leave but this isn't my life and I still have over two more months to enjoy.

I lean in and kiss him. Andrew wraps his arms around my back and pulls my body closer to his. I run my hand through his hair as I intensify the kiss. His hand goes to my hips and pulls me up. He sits up as I push his back against the frame of the glass window that sits between the back seat and storage compartment of the ute. I straddle his lap as I continue to kiss him, pausing only to take a breath from time to time.

His hands slide up my thigh, sending an electricity current up my back. I release a soft moan as he kisses my neck and part of me hopes he didn't hear it. I wouldn't want him to think I was that easy to please. He twists me, slamming my back against the floor of the ute and pulls me closer by the leg. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his mouth closer to mine. In a breathless voice I say, "we really shouldn't be doing this in the back of a car."

Andrew watches me and then gives me a crooked grin before pulling me up. "Your right. You deserve better."

Andrew hops off the back of the ute, stretching his arms for me. I lower myself till he grabs me and lowers me back to the ground. "Ready to go home?"

I nod. "I really should."

He rests his hand on my knee when he drives and I like it. I know if grandma knew what we were doing, she'd say I was going too fast and to be careful. On the other hand, I'm glad she likes Andrew.

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