Chapter 19 - Emma

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Father stares at me as if thinking of something. "When are you meeting Dwayne?"

I smile. "In about an hour, if that's okay with you."

Father nods. "Well I guess you guys better get close and know each other if you want to get married."

I roll my eyes. That's the thing. I don't want to get married but I'm getting forced.

I told father that I saw a truck drive past our house today and turn into Watermill Road. I said it looked like someone new was moving in. Since father is on the council, he has to stick his nose in everything so he felt it was his business to know the new family moving in.

Unfortunately, father and a group of eight other men run the town council. They're in charge of everything that happens in this town. Father has tried so much to make everyone side with him because he's power hungry. He loves the control, status and as well. Dwayne's father is on the council and the only member who has a son roughly my age otherwise father would have set me up any one of the council members sons.

The only problem to Andrew's plan is that neither Gabby or Ronald are in the town council and in order for father to run it, he needs someone who'll give him that power and control. Unfortunately he's not going to get it from Gabby or Ronald. I'm hoping father does love his money enough to pick Richard over Dwayne, which is a horrible thing to hope for because if I'm hoping or wishing for anything, it should be that my father wouldn't sell me like that.

When we get back home, I give father a kiss on the cheeks and head in the direction of Dwayne's house. I hate the idea of spending five minutes with him but I have too.


"Hurry up!" Father shouts.

I zip up my black heels and stare at my royal blue dress. It is slightly risky considering its backless and the front is a little revealing but I don't care.

Father watches me when he notices my dress. "That's rather revealing, don't you think?"

I smile. "I like it."

Mother dos besides me. "It's not too revealing," she says. "We better hurry up or else we'll be late."

Yesterday Richard and his make believe family had invited us for dinner and so here we are.

Not going to lie, my dress might just be because I know Andrew will be there. Of course he won't be joining us, and that he most likely will be upstairs hiding but I know I'll get an opportunity to see him.

Father knocks on the door and Ronald opens. Father wipes his feet on the welcome mat and begins proceeding to enter.

I try to hide a laugh as I watch father act like such a guest especially when he doesn't know that this is in fact my house.

Richard watches me for a second before trying to hide his own laughter.

Gabby seats us down on the dinner table. "Everything is fresh and warm."

Father nods. "It smells fantastic."

I look up at Richard again and we both grin. Father is trying to suck up to them.

"So what do you do, Richard?" Father asks.

"Well I run father's business with him but I'm also in the midst of starting my own business."

"Ahh that's amazing," father says in excitement.

"May I please use the bathroom?" I ask interrupting their conversation.

"Of course," Richard says. "Let me show you."

As I get up father smiles at me. "What a thoughtful young man."

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