Chapter 6 - Andrew

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I can't seem to get that kiss out of my head. The way her lips felt against mine. It was like it was always meant to be. We fit perfectly. It's been three days since that kiss and I haven't seen her since.

I don't know if she's avoiding me because perhaps she regrets it or maybe she just kisses guys often that it doesn't make a big difference to her.

She is extremely gorgeous. I imagine guys throw themselves at her all the time. The idea of it though doesn't seem appealing to me whatsoever.

When I pull at the screw and the tire rolls off, I follow its trail to see it stop by someone's feet. It's Emma and she looks gorgeous in her blue dress and white heels. I try not to stare as she walks further in and leans against the car I'm working on.

"Hey," she says.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Not too bad, and yourself?"

"I'm okay," is all I manage to say because truth be told, I'm probably not even okay. I'm struggling. I can barely pay rent for the torn to pieces house and I'm working over time to make up for what I did last time.

Emma smiles at me. She turns around as I open the bonnet of the car and leans in to look at it. The way her body curves tempts me to grab her and hold her tight so I just look at the bonnet.

"Busy?" She asks.

I shake my head. "No."

I can see her looking at me. I don't know if I should bring up what happened or just forget about it entirely. Part of me is tempted to hold her and kiss her and make her believe I'm the right guy for her but if I can't take care of myself then I'd definitely be a burden to her.

Lucy's words ring in my ear.

She comes closer forcing me to look up at her. Emma stands next to me looking at the car. I don't know if I'm supposed to do something or say something.

"What brings you here?" I ask.

She smiles as she faces me. "Brought grandma's car in."

I turn back to notice it at the front of the garage. "Great, I'll get started on it tomorrow."

She frowns when her phone chimes and I notice a sadness cover her face as she looks down at her phone.

"You okay?"

She shakes her head. "Parents. They barely remember I exist."

I frown as I place a hand over hers. I notice her blink away the tears that were forming as she looks at me. Without a single word she throws her arms around me. It takes a second to register that she needs comfort and not knowing how good I am at that, I wrap my arms around her and pull her body closer to mine.

"I miss them terribly," she says. "And all I get is a text saying take care. They haven't even rang since they've gone."

I don't know what to say so I just hold her. At least she has parents. Mine left. Mine were my rock when they were around.

I pull her back and kiss her forehead. She looks up at me and then I notice the smile appear on her face like the one from the other night, when we kissed.

She tilts her head and laces her fingers amongst mine, watching me for a reaction. I give her nothing. "I like you," she says. "You're different."

I smile. "Different?"

"Different in a good way. Not like those arrogant men back at Williams Square."

She leans in and her lips touch mine. First it goes slow but then it speeds up. She rests her hand on my hips as she continues to kiss me. I grab her face with my hand and move it closer, intensifying the kiss.

When she pulls back, her lips are red from the kiss. I love the way her lips look especially after having kissed her. She tastes good and feels amazing in my hands. Fragile but strong at the same time.

She grins. "That was good."

I nod. "It was."

I can't believe that just happened. Part of me wants to react further and kiss her more and the other part of me feels like I should be a gentleman and ask her out to dinner. If I do that though, that means I'll have to sell my soul to my boss because I already owe him too much.

"What are you doing this Sunday?"

She shakes head. "Clearly nothing, I don't have a schedule now that I'm here."

"There's going to be a town fair. It's crazy and happens every year," I say. "I'm surprised Lucy hasn't told you about it since she's helping. Want to join me?"

She grins and I almost feel like melting. No girl has that effect on me, especially not someone I've just met. "Of course, that'll be lovely."

A crooked grin forms on my mouth. "Great, I'll pick you up then."

She watches her feet and then looks up. "You're always in here."

"The garage?" I ask. "Well it's cause I'm doing overtime for some extra money."

She nods like she understands but I don't think she does. She drives a Porsche and her bank account is probably filled with lots of zeros that perhaps it'll be hard to count.

She sits at the abandoned wooden bench and watches me as I work. I like the feeling having someone wait on me like they care. It's not something I've felt often.

Not going to lie, girls come here often and they sit and they wait buts it's not the same thing. They just want some action or to use me so therefore it doesn't mean the same thing. With Emma waiting though, it's genuine because she doesn't expect anything.

"How'd you get your grandma's car here?" I ask.

"Called a tow truck," she replies.

It amazes me that I didn't notice but I've been so busy lately, especially with the workload that I barely notice anything.

When I finish with my work, I signal Emma to join me outside as I pull the garage door shut.

She holds my hand even though it's dirty. She doesn't care. When I needed a fling or when girls came along, they wouldn't hold my hands. Not until I washed them that is.

Emma should be the complete opposite of what I'm seeing. I expected her to be an arrogant rich girl who got everything she asked for and was too good for everyone else. She's not like that at all. She's polite and caring and doesn't care about the superficial things, or my dirty hands.

I kiss her forehead. "See you Sunday."

She nods as she turns and then pauses. "Are you going to walk home?"

I nodded. "That's what I'll usually do."

Emma smiles. "I can drop you off."

"I'm fine," I say. "It's only about five minutes from here."

She grabs my hand dragging me although she isn't really strong to drag me, it's mostly just me following behind her as she attempts to drag me.

"Come on," she says. "You've dropped me off, it's only fair."

When I get in her car, I have to blink several times. Not only is the car beautiful from the outside but the inside is amazing too.

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