Chapter 24 - Andrew

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Emma bangs her first against the wall several times before screaming in anger. I know this was the last thing she wanted to hear. Besides the fact that her family is torn apart but to know her father was behind it all.

I still can't work the courage to tell her what I think about her mum. She should know about Susan but I can't until I'm a hundred percent sure.

She begins to cry as she falls on her knees. I kneel beside her and hold her trembling body beside mine. "It's going to be okay," I say gently even though I'm not sure anymore.

She tilts her head to look up at me. "My life's falling apart."

I nod because I don't know what to say and I can tell she appreciates the silence.

Eight hours ago she called her father and began crying. She put on quite a show, enough to convince her dad that she ran away from the kidnappers only to be taken again. Richard chimed in and threatened to kill her. Although it doesn't seem convincing, we assume her father bought it because he threatened to harm whoever had her and promised to find her.

According to Emma, he'll figure where we are in less than twenty four hours which means Richard and I need to leave from here before Roger figures who was behind this all.

Emma sits on the chair. "You should rope me up now in case he gets here early."

I shake my head. "What if he doesn't come in another ten or fifteen hours?" I say. "I'm not going to have you tied up till then."

Richard places a hand on my shoulder. "Emma's right though. For all we know, her father could be onto us. We have to get her back and we have to convince Roger that I'm the guy for her."

I frown. "This is such a bad idea. I can't believe you guys convinced me to do this."

Richard grabs the rope and begins tying Emma to the wooden chair to make the kidnapping convincing. I shake my head at how stupid this all seems.

I notice Richard and Emma shake heads at each other's direction when they think I'm not looking. Richard nods before mouthing a few words to her. "Want to tell me what that's about?"

Emma shakes her head. "It's better if you don't know. Don't want you spoiling our plan."

I watch her smile in my direction and it surprises me because minutes ago she was crying and clearly distressed.

"What plan?"

Richard waves his hand. "I need to get on his good books so Emma and I have a plan."

"Care to share it?"

"Nope," they both say in unison.

This already seems like a bad idea and we don't want to catch ourselves in a web of complications. We already know how far her father can go and this is taking it to another level. That and the fact that I haven't told her about the other things I found out. Would that change things? Perhaps it might change the plan.

When Richard ties Emma up nicely, I place a kiss on her forehead and grab the black hoodie and pull it over my head. Richard does the same. It's in case Roger decides to look through CCTV footage. Our faces have to be as covered as possible.

Richard and I go for the lift till we hit the bottom floor. As we exit the lift, I notice Roger and a few of his men I assume standing by the reception desk.

I pull Richard back as I point at the desk's direction. Richard scans the area before we hide behind a big pillar. We watch as Roger moves away from the reception desk and heads for the lift.

"What do we do?"

"Obviously get out of here before we get caught," Richard whispers.

"Shouldn't we make sure Emma's okay?"

Richard shakes his head. "It's her father, he won't harm her."

I raise an eyebrow. "He did kidnap her."

Richard looks back at the lift as Roger and his men walk in. They look extremely angry and by the looks of it, they're don't mind blood on their hands.

Richard and I turn as we pull the hoodie further down to ensure our faces are cover, and then we exit. We walk about a kilometre before we grab a taxi so we don't leave any trails and then stop about a kilometre away from Emma's house.

My blood boils at the idea of leaving her there alone, or worse, leaving her there with her father.

We walk back to Emma's house and then we get in. Richard faces me and then sighs. "What's going on?"

I shake my head. "Nothing."

"Don't lie."

"How about you tell me what plan you made and I'll tell you what I know," I say.

"I called her father and told him I saw her getting dragged into that hotel by men. That's why we wanted you out of there."

I nod. "To get in his good books?"

Richard nods. "Exactly. He was impressed," he says. "Now you."

"Her mother might not be her real mum."

Richard watches me in confusion. "I don't get it."

So I tell him everything. The phone call Emma's father made.  The mention of Susan. Visiting Victoria West and finding out the lie and games Roger had been playing. Having two women in his life. His fake business trips. Emma's relationship with Susan or at least I what I think of it.

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