Chapter 25 - Emma

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I wrap my arms around my father and cry. My body aches so I continue to play along as I lean against him. The tears however are very real. Real for the betrayal towards. Real for everything he's done for me. To him though, they're tears of fear.

"Father, I was so scared," I whisper.

He wraps his arm around me and holds me. "Shh," he whispers. "Everything is going to be okay."

One of his men hold me by the hip as father stands on the other side of me, and they take me to his car.

Throughout the whole car ride, my tears fall down. I'm sitting in the car with my kidnapper. What am I going to tell mother?

"You were right," I say. "You want what's best for me. Perhaps Dwayne is right."

Father shakes his head. "I don't think so."

I watch him in pretend confusion because I know what he'll say. Part of me wants him to admit how wrong he was about everything he's done but at least we're making progress.

"Do you want to know who saved you today?"

I watch him again. "You did."

"No, no," he says shaking his head. "Richard did. He told me he saw you being dragged. He's the real hero and I think he can take care of you better than Dwayne can. I mean he did come to your rescue today. If it wasn't for Richard, I probably wouldn't have found you and that's the man I want for my daughter, someone who can protect her."

"Wait, what?" I say. "Are you telling me you don't want me to marry Dwayne but Richard

Father nods as he helps me out of the car. I notice Richard by the front door of our house.

"He'll never say yes," I whisper.

"I think he will. I saw the way he was looking at you when we had dinner."

Richard walks up and my father hugs him in gratitude. He lingers for a second and semi smile appears on my face when Richard rolls his eyes.

"I hope you're okay, Emma," Richard says.

I nod. "I am, thank you."

He grabs my hand and I lean my weight against him as father opens the door for us to go inside. I notice his smile because Richard is holding me. It's as if he's plan is working when in reality it's ours that is working.

Richard excuses himself after he helps me on the couch but father stops him, insisting he stay for dinner.

When I close my eyes and roll over, father places a blanket over me and turns to talk to Richard. I don't go to sleep but instead listen in to their conversation.

Apparently Richard is going for a holiday for a weeks exactly like we had planned. Father tries to say something but hesitates falling short several times with just "umm."

"I think you should take Emma with you. She's been through a lot lately and I know it's too much to ask you but I reckon it's s nice idea."

"There's something I have to tell you," Richard says.

Father taps my leg gently and I squeeze my eyes even more shit.

"I like your daughter, I really do. I was hoping with your permission I could date her."


There's a awkward silence where none of them says enough. You could hear a coin drop with this level of quietness.

"Of course, Richard. I won't lie, since I've met you I thought you were the right choice for my daughter."

Anger boils up in me. Of course you did, father, once you saw his bank account that is.

"That holiday would be a great idea, sir."

"It would be," my father says. "You too could get to know each other better and please call me Roger."


I tilt my body, having no idea when sleep had actually pulled me in. I pull myself up and look around. No ones in the living room and it's awfully quiet.

I walk over to the kitchen to see father and Richard having a drink.

"When is mother coming back?"

I notice Richard goes still at the mention of my mother. He stares down at his feet as if hiding something.

I watch him for a few more seconds before facing father.

"Soon, she just called. Another two days."

I watch Richard as father says those words. His body language makes it obvious something is terribly wrong. Don't tell me something has happened to my mother.

"In the meantime, I packed your bags because you're going on a holiday with Richard."

I pretend to be in shock. "What! I barely know him."

"Richard just shared with me that he actually quite likes you."

I look over at Richard who no longer looks worried. In fact he winks in my direction as if indicating everything is going to plan.

Father pulls my arm to the side. "You promised you'd do what I said. This is for your good," he whispers.

I straighten up and smile at Richard.

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