Kinger x Smilez

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Sort Of Angsty

TW?: N/A

Oc x Kinger

Smilez x Kinger

Requested by: @000Sillylilly000

3rd person POV

Kinger was very upset of Queenies abstraction and how she had to be put away when they found out she was abstracted, he literally cried and tried to beg Caine for him to at least say a final goodbye but Caine wouldn't as Caine was a bit worried if Queenie will try to attack if anybody got near. This wasn't the first abstraction but damn, this one hurt Kinger the most out of all of the past ones.

Oneday, which so happened to just be a few days after Queenies abstraction, a 'newcomer' came, Her name was Smilez. During when everyone was introducing themseleves, Kinger just stayed in his pillowfort, refusing to come out or do any sort of eye contact with anyone outside of the fort. Smilez had wondered why but didn't say anything about it until later that day Kinger finally came out of his pillowfort.

Kinger then apologized for them not speaking sooner, Smilez nodded and the two then began talking, well Smilez just listened to Kinger talk about a bug collection, somewhat Kinger finding comfort in the convo as Kinger hadn't interacted with anyone since the abstraction and spent the days crying in his pillowfort and so Caine had decided to have Smilez to stay with Kinger, having no choice, she obeyed.

The two got very comfortable with each other within the end of the week and kept having daily conversations. Until about 5 months in the digital universe rolls by, Smilez having to go due to actually being a programmer, one of the people who trapped them in this digital world.. When Smilez had revealed it, Kinger was sort of pissed, so they were trapped here and her being the reason for it? The reason why some of the characters have gone insane before for being here for so long and some being abstracted .

Kinger was pissed at this information yet still couldn't get too mad at the same time. He went a bit more coco as time went on, remembering Smilez features, her yellow skin, her clothing, how sweet she was, but all of those feelings were gone as soon as she admitted to be some programmer for the circus, a reason on why they're there, why theyre trapped. Kinger went back to his pillow fort and stayed there for quite a while, obviously upset and trying to not tear up over the situation but failed a few times to do so as he just wanted to have a sort of feeling of love again.


Hope this was okay!

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