Caine x Dramatic Male Reader !

395 7 2

Requested by: @cainesmalewife

Fluff! Romantic ??

Trying to do as much as i can but keep forgetting to, whooopsieeeee. Sorry this is a bit short !!


3rd person POV

Caine and Y/N had been trying to know each other a bit more as they haven't exactly talked to each other since usually Caine will just give them all quests to do and disappear but as time went on they wanted to actually know the other more and realizing both can be quite dramatic, especially when not needing to be.

Caine gave them a daily challenge to do and then had Y/N step aside from this one, though he doubt anyone will even do the challenge anyways but he tried. Y/N just nods in agreement to whatever Caine planned, didn't exactly expect a date but he just agreed anyways, the two guys went to that one part of the digital world, the two just talked since the people here didn't exaxtly need to eat to survive this hellhole.

The two just talked about stuff, nothing in particular. Caine had gotten sorta feelings for Y/N yet didn't know what he felt was truly an actual feeling or just made up since he was an Ai afterall, what could he possible do? If the others escape this digital world he'll just be all alone in the digital circus again until new people come along and possibly escape again, time after time until the circus is no more. Caine just shrugged his feelings away, Y/N sorta felt the same yet felt very weird about it since it just felt off to him.

Y/N and Caine had finished their date and Y/N was tired so he just pretended to go sleep on top of Caine so Caine had to teleport the two back, which like, Caine obliged with this since the other seemed to be peaceful for the time being.  “Welp, guess im outta here-” Caine stated as the two finally got back to the circus, Y/N basically clinged onto the Ai as to have the other not move. “Don't leaveee-” Y/N tried to sound a bit desperate for Caine to not leave him, even if Caine was just gonna talk one minute away from Y/N. Caine sighed and then dragged Y/N along so he didn't whine.

Caine had dragged Y/N to Caine's quiet spot to just chill at. “Happy?” Caine asked. Y/N nods as he just stared at Caine, without much words coming out of him.


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