Chapter Three-

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(I'ma start doing Character Povs sooo...yay ig)


After the Han incident I left Felix to walk to my dorm alone.

Once I got back to my dorm I entered and dropped on the couch. I know Han didn't hurt me as much as he had hurt Felix but seeing his face...freaked me out.

As I was sitting on the couch my hands began to shake. My breathing sped up and found myself unable to calm down. I knew I needed to call Felix to come quick but my hands were shaking to much I couldn't pick up my phone.

There are only two people who know how to help with my panic attacks but I couldn't contact Felix and no way in hell am I speaking to Han.

I could feel my tears well up in my eyes and I couldn't see clearly anymore. I let out small and quiet sobs but my whimpers and breathing was louder.

My legs and whole body was rapidly shaking. I wrapped my arms around me to try and stop the shaking but nothing I did worked.

I let out a loud cry as my head felt like it had hit the hard pavement from a fall of a ten story building. One of the bedroom doors clicked open but I was well unaware. I hadn't had a panic attack this bad before. I was extremely terrified.

Being in this state made me remember much more than just Hans face but my parents aswell. I truely hated my parents and they hated me. For some reason almost every bad memory of mine came crawling back. Re-opening past wounds. From being bullied in Primary school (Elementary) to a past abusive relationship.

I didn't know how long I had been in a panic attack until I felt my self being lifted onto someones lap. A shiver went up my spine as I felt someones finger trace down my forward and between my eyes and back up.

That movement was repeated untill I had calms down. I was still shaking but I managed to open my eyes to see Felix keeping me stable on his lap.

"L-lix..?" Felix opened his eyes and looked into my watery ones. "Oh Hyunjin... if you felt scared you need to tell me. If it wasn't for-" I cut him off by quickly wrapping my arms around his neck and crying into the crook of his neck.

pa-anic...a-attack...s-scared..." I managed to speak through chocked up sobs. Felix only held me tighter. He knew exactly what helped me in a situation like this. Man I love this boy.

(I swear this isn't Hyunlix, as much as I want it to be it's a MinLix)

"Baby...How about we eat some sushi and cuddle in your bed while we watch a movie of your choice. Alright? It'll make you feel better." I looked up and locked eyes with him and smiled.

"Really Lix...What would I do without you?" Felix smiled and kissed my forehead. "Come on. I'll buy you some sushi." We stood up and that's when I noticed Bangchan.

My eyes widen seeing the older boy. "C-chan? didn't see that, right?" Chan only sighed and nodded. "Heh. Well that's my cue to gooooo!" I grabbed Felix's wrist and dragged the both of us out of the room. I was to embarrassed to face Chan. He saw my weak side and that was all to just kill me right on the spot.

I entwined mine and Felix's hand and wrapped my other around his arm. I was still shook from before. Felix knew that I would go into panic mode once again at anything random or unnatural so he let me do as I pleased.

We made our way to the 7/11 around the corner and grabbed a few snacks, drinks, and of course some sushi for the both of us.

After like 15 minutes we were back at my dorm and settled down in my bedroom.

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