Chapter Twelve-

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Felix stares shocked as he looks at the familiar girl. His mine starts to race. His eyes wide. Minho walks up behind him but before the older boy can  open his mouth to speak to the younger, Felix rushes out of the store.

The door closes behind him, alerting the girl outside the building. She looks behind herself and locks eyes with her brother. She smiles, finally being able to see her brother after 2 years.

But Felix has an unusual look. His expression mixed with confusion, surprise, and anger. "Lix! I found you!" She exclaims, walking close to her big brother but the boy has different plans. As she steps closer he backs up.

Olivia's smile falters, not surprised that her only brother wasn't exactly happy to see her. After a few moments of silence, Felix decides to speak first. "What are you doing here?" He asks, his voice deep but his voice came out nothing more then a whisper. Olivia sighs and pushes strands of fallen hair from her face.

"I need to talk to you..." Her face softens, sad. Felix shook his head, not wanting to converse with the other. Minho waits behind Felix, awakardly as he leans against the wall behind him as he waits for Felix.

"I don't want to talk to you, Olivia." Felix says plainly, no empathy in his voice. "Lix, this is importa-" "Don't call me that. Never call me that. You lost the privilege to call me by that name long ago." He speaks, louder this time as he glares at the young girl infront of him.

"Felix, please... This is important... He was asking for you." She says, tears swelling up in her eyes. Felix looks at her confused, ignoring his sister's sadness. "Who?" Olivia sniffles as she tries to keep herself together. "Dad, h-he... H-he's dying..." Felix and Minho's eyes grow wide at this, not expecting this type of news.

"W-what?" Felix stutters, confused. Olivia wipes her tears and takes in a deep breath before looking straight at Felix. "He fell sick with about melanoma 5 months ago. We recently moved back to Korea 2 months ago because we thought that dad being around the place he grew up would make him feel at peace but a few days ago his doctor told us bad news."

"He said that it wasn't just melanoma that's easily treated but they've recently discovered that he has lung cancer and because he's been on meds for melanoma for the past 5 months, it's made his body weak and his body is struggling to fight. The doctors said he only has a couple of months left..."

Olivia explains, tears falling from her eyes. Felix stands there, unable to mutter a word. Olivia takes that as a sign to continue. "He asked to see you yesterday... He doesn't want to die knowing that he has a son out there who he's disappointed but mum isn't on the same page, sadly."

Felix's gaze falls to the ground, trying to comprehend what he's just been Informed. Olivia steps forward. Felix, again, steps away. "Felix, please... Please go see him... He's been wanting to see you ever since you left-" "Then why didn't he come see me!?" He suddenly snapped, startling both Minho and Olivia.

"Fe-" "He knew where I was. So did you. And Rachel. And mum. But not ONE of you cared enough to come and see me! To apologise! You all made my childhood just a shitty memory! I had to walk myself home from school when I was 7 because dad thought I needed to learn how to be a man and do things myself! I had to get a job at 14 because Mum spent all her money on cigarettes and alcohol!"

"I had to clean up and comfort Rachel's one night stands because she'd throw them out like they were a temporary tattoo! I had to be punished because of your mistakes because apparently I wasn't a good role model and you were just a tween! Now tell me! Why should I go see the family that abondan me! The family that treated me like a slave! Huh!? Why!?"

Olivia started to cry. She covered her mouth with her hand to attempt to stop. "I-i'm so-sorry..." Felix laughed, a scoff following. "You're sorry? Why? Because I finally have the courage to highlight your SHITTY mistakes!? That our family is just a circle of bad decisions!?" Felix looks at his 'sister' as his eyes also start to swell with tears.

"Tell dad that I'm not coming to see him. Tell Rachel that I congratulate her on her 4th abortion. And tell Mum that dad knows she's cheating." Felix gives Olivia one more look before walking down the path. Minho looks at Olivia before following after the boy.

At least Felix can add something to his list titled 'My shitty Saturday'.


Jisung groans slightly as he can hear a dog bark. He rubs his eyes and looks down to see Changbin laying inbetween his legs while watching what looks like funny dog videos on TikTok, explaining why Jisung could hear dog barks and whines.

As he tries to get used to the midst light, there not being much because of the dark clouds outside that's hiding the sun, Changbin tilts his head to look behind him. "Hey, Ji. Did I wake you?" Jisung smiles and leans  forward so his forehead is behind Changbins neck. "Yeah but I needed to get up anyways."

Changbin hums in response as he returns to scrolling through TikTok on his phone. Jisung stays in that position for a few more minutes, almost falling back asleep a few times but forced himself to get up.

He moves back so he can remove his left leg that is trapped inbetween the back of the couch and Changbins leg. He stands up and makes his way to his bathroom to splash his face with cold water to help wake him up.

He wipes his face dry before looking at himself in the mirror. His hair is messy and he notices how his lips are still slightly swollen from the events of last night, a small bite back printed on the left side of Jisung's lips.

The boy sighed before turning on his heels and walks out of the small shared bathroom. He walks passed Changbin and decides to lay down in his room. He sits down on the cold sheets covering his single bed and stares at the black screen of his phone as he tries to decide whether or not he should try calling Felix one more time.

He curses under his breath as he quickly logs into his phone and searches for his contact app. He finds the app and finds Felix's contact in his recents. He quickly clicks the call icon and presses his phone up to his ear. One ring. Two rings. Three. Four... Jisung sighs and goes to hang up, Felix obviously not gonna answer the phone until the screen on his phone proves him wrong.

"Hi, Ji..." Felix says into the phone. Jisung smiles brightly and places the phone up to his ear again. "Felix! Oh my god- I'm so glad you answered! Look, I'm so sorry about last night! W-we were both really drunk and we didn't mean for it to happen! Please, tell me we're still friends."

Felix chuckles and Jisung's eyes widen with hope. "No, Jisung. We can't be friends." Jisung can feel his breathing hault. Was he serious? After so much struggle, their friendship ends like that? Was he gonna cry? Why would he- "We're bestfriends." Jisung clutches his chest and breaths heavily.

"Oh my god... You can't do that! I almost had a panic attack!" Felix just laughs and Jisung smiles. "Sorry, Ji. Didn't mean to scare you." Jisung chuckles and pushes his fingers through his hair. "It's okay."

The next hour and a half is just filled with Felix and Jisung's laughter as they decided to stay on call, Hyunjin joining as he came to visit Felix's about half 'n' hour after the beginning of the two's call.

The two forgot about the kiss. Jisung forgot about Taehyung. Felix forgot about Olivia and the rest of his family.

They were just happy.

As y'all know, my phones broken so I've postponed my writing but I decided to give writing a try even though my phone is a bit special at the moment but I've improved with my writing since I've started this book so I hope you enjoy this chapter ♡


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