Chapter Five-

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Once I got back to my dorm I fell down onto the couch. Man I was exhausted. I don't even know why. Suddenly all my energy left my body once I entered my dorm building.

It was about 10:00pm at night and I was fighting the urge to fall to the ground and pass out. As I was about to fall asleep there was a tap on my shoulder.

I jumped a bit and quickly looked up to be face to face with Chan. I gulped as I felt my face heat up. I could tell that he noticed because he soon had a smirk on his face.

"Y-yes, Chan Hyung?" I stuttered. God why did I stutter!? He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Come on I'll take you to bed. It's late and we have classes early tomorrow." I closed my eyes and nodded in response.

I was about to stand up but Chan beat me to it by picking me up bridal style.

(Just saying Chan is taller then Hyunjin. Hyunjin is still tall just Chan is not short :) Literally my dream-)

I blushed even more, if that was even possible, and hid my face in his chest. He opened up a door to what I assumed was my room but no. I was wrong.

Bangchan layed me down on his bed and brought the covers over me. "You can sleep with me tonight, Jinnie." I nodded shyly and he replied with a smile. He walked to the other side of the bed and got under the covers aswell.

He turned to look at me so I did the same. "Hyunjin....C-can I tell you something?" He asked while looking down.

"Y-yeah." Chan sucker in a breath before looking back up at me. "I-i..." He took in a deep breath and looked me straight in the eyes. "I like you, Hyunjin. I have for the past 9 years. Yeah I know, that's a long time. Remember when I was 13 and you were 11? You drew me and gave me your sketch book with a daisy. You were so cute. Ever since then I've seen you as more then a close friend." I was shocked, my eyes began to brim with tears.

He looked over the side of the bed and grabbed something from underneath. What he showed me made the tears fall from my eyes. It was my old sketchbook. Most of the pages in there were either flowers or Chan.

He flipped to a page that held a squished daisy in between the two pages. On the right page was the last drawing I drew of Chan. It was him laying down on the grass in a field of Daisy's.

He flipped the page again and it was a pic that Chan took of me. I was on rope swing, swinging from a tree branch. Laughing. That was our meeting spot as kids. I never knew he had taken a picture.

I looked up at him when he put the book down. He took my right hand in his and put his left hand on my cheek. I put my left hand over his and leaned into his touch.

"Hwang Hyunjin-" I cut him off with a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck in the process. It lasted a few seconds before we both pulled away.

I smiled at him and pecked his lips again. "I like- No. I love you Bangchan. I don't care if it's 'To early' or some shit. I knew I loved you 8 years ago." "Hyunjin-" "It took me a year to realise my feelings towards you. And I'm sorry if it's overwhelming for me to say that I-i love you it's just that it's the truth!" "Hyunjin-" I-i love you! A-a lot! A–and-" "Hyunjin!"

I stopped talking and looked into Chan's eyes. He smiled and kissed me again. Once we pulled away he spoke again. "Hyunjin. I love you to. I was well aware about my love towards you for years now."

He took both my hands in my hand and looked me in the eyes again. "Hwang Hyunjin. Can you give me the pleasure to be your boyfriend?"

I tried to suppress the smile that was forming on my face but failed miserably. I jumped into his arms, tightly hugging him. Causing us to fall down onto the bed. Me being on top of him.

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