Chapter Eleven-

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FELIX'S POV: (The morning.)

I woke up with a giant headache. Fuck living in the moment, this is torture. Once the dizziness drained away, I stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab some medicine.

After taking the medication, I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. While I was watching Heartbreak high, memories of last night came back. One by one. I was smiling and slightly laughing after remembering certain things, until... "Shit..." And like on cue, my phone began to ring.

I hesitantly looked down at the device, already having an idea of who it could be. And of course. It was him. The name 'Jisungie♡' was on the screen.

I quickly declined the call and let my phone fall to my lap. "How am I supposed to talk to him now!? Oh no..." I stood up as my phone rang again. I declined the call, continuously doing the same thing everytime he called.

I turned off my phone and threw it into the couch, frustrated of my stupid Actions from last night.

Suddenly the door opened and the sound of a bag being dropped to the ground could be heard. I went around the corner and saw- "Minho?" Minho looked up as he heard me. "Oh, Yongbok!"

I rolled my eyes as I made my way back to the couch. I sat down and he quickly followed after me. "U-umm Li- Felix so you think we could maybe go out for lunch? N-not a date! Just...yeah."

I looked up at him confused. "Why...?" He was blushing, most likely from embarrassment. "I just...feel like I need to apologize... About what I said in highschool."

I stood up and looked at him. "I'm not in the best mood now, Minho. I'm hungover." I glare at him as I go to walk passed him and go into my bedroom but he grabs my arm to stop me.

"Please, Lix...I need to apologize...we don't have to go out. W-we can watch something and I can cook you something! F-for the hangover..." His grip loosens a bit as he looks away. I sigh and relax my arms.

"Fine. I'll listen to you but you have to cook for me and buy me whatever I want from the 7/11 down the road." He quickly looks at me, surprised that I had agreed. He nods his head with a big smile on his face.

I nod back and sit down on the couch again. It was around 11:30am and it looked like it was about to rain.

"Do you want some soup? Chicken soup for example?" I nod in reply as he quickly goes back into the kitchen. I turn back to the TV and press play on my show.

I rub my head, trying to some how sooth my headache. 'What's the point on taking medicine if it takes 30 minutes to do something but when it does it's shit all!?'

After about 10 minutes, Minho came into view with a bowl of soup. He placed it on the table infront of me, cursing under his breath because it's hot.

"Okay, it's like seriously fucking hot so wait and do you want some water?" He asked me as he looked down at me. I nod my head and look back down at the bowl of soup. 'I hope his cooking is the same as the last time I had it.'

He walks back into the kitchen to grab me a cup of water. When he came back he gave me my water and sat down next to me. "Do you need anything else?" I shake my head as I swirl the spoon around in my soup.

"D-do I speak now? Or do you want to eat first?" I honestly don't want to listen to him at all. He really hurt me that day. But I guess he deserves a second chance. I'm not a cruel person.

"When you feel comfortable." I say as I take a mouth full of soup into my mouth.'Holy shit...' "I-is it good?" My eyes go wide. "'Is it good?' it's better than good! It's fucking great!" I take another mouthful and holy. It truly is great.

"I'm glad. I've been practicing for a while... So ummm, look, Felix." I look over at him while sipping my water. "What I said that day was completely out of line. I-i knew about the struggles with your parents but I used it against you. T-this isn't an excuse but I guess I was...touch deprived considering our relationship wasn't very intimate b-but I should have respected that and not have been so rude after what Jisung did..."

I sigh and put the glass on the table. "I'm sorry too... For accusing you of cheating with Jisung. But don't be mad at Jisung. He had a really good, well bad, reason to do it. And I think it was good considering what you said afterwards..." I say as I look at him but as we locked eyes he looked down.

"I don't like you anymore and I don't think I will again. I hope we can get along and maybe be friends. I forgive you, Hyung." I give him a soft smile as he looks up again.

"Y-you don't have to forgive me if you think i-i don't deserve it or anything! I-i'm not force-" "I know, Minho. I know... But people deserve a second chance, right? How are you any different?"

He smiles as he relaxes into the couch. He's been pretty stiff this whole time. "Thankyou, Felix. I'm glad you haven't changed." I nod while smiling as I turn back to the TV and continue eating/drinking my soup.

"I'll finally pack my stuff into my room as you eat and after we can go to the 7/11."

I nod and start drinking from the bowl instead of using the spoon. It was helping with the headache. I don't know how but it was.

After about ten minutes I had finished the soup and I layed down onto the couch. A few minutes after Minho was finished. "Ready to go L- Felix?"

"Yep." I carefully sit up before standing and slipping on my hoodie that was gifted to me by Hyunjin. It had the words 'Social anxiety is a b!tch, ain't it?' on the back with my name on the front.

We walk out of our dorm, side by side as we make our way down the hall. We walk in silence, not knowing what to say considering that it has been 2 years since we've talked.

We make it out of the dorm building and we head towards the exit of the college. As I'm following Minho, I see someone sitting on the stairs of the second dorm building with their head in their hands. She looks familiar. 'Where do I know her from?',

I think but as I make it out of the area, it's hard for me to see her. I give up and pass it as Deja vu or something.

We continue our journey down the road, no words exchanged between each other. Only tweets of birds or revving of cars driving past. After a couple of minutes, the 7/11 is in view. I start thinking about what I'll get.

'Maybe some fried chicken and a chocolate milk.' I nod my head, agreeing with my mind. Minho walks into the small store with me as we starting skimming the aisles. "What do you want, Felix?" Minho asks with a smile.

"I'll get some chicken wings and a chocolate milk." Minho nods as he grabs a chocolate milk from the fridge and walks to the counter where the hot box is. I wait near the door, staring through the glass but all of a sudden, it's her again.

The girl from the stairs except this time, I know who she is. The long brown hair, the freckles, brown eyes. But why is she here? She left?


Looks who's back!!!
I didn't have a phone for a couple of months but I got a new one last night and here I am!!!


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